Ptolemy is offered without support, but we are nonetheless interested in hearing your feedback with regard to bugs. A good bug report consists of the following elements:
- What OS you are running under (e.g. SunOS4.1.3, Solaris2.5.1, HPUX-10.01).a
- What version of Ptolemy you are running. If you are not running the latest version, you may want to upgrade and see if your bug has been fixed already.
- Whether you are using prebuilt binaries, or if you compiled your binaries yourself.
- If the problem is with the compiler, and you are using the Gnu compiler, you should also state whether you are using the prebuilt compiler we provide, or your own version. You should also try running
gcc -v
to see what version of the compiler you are running.
- It is best for us if you can reproduce the bug in a small test case and send us your
file, along with a detailed description of what you did and what happened.
- If the bug consists of a problem with facets, you might want to uuencoded these facets and include them in your mail message. Note that there is a 40K size limit to mail to Ptolemy-hackers, so if your mail message is large, then you may want to send it only to ptolemy at ptolemy eecs berkeley edu. To uuencode a facet and a galaxy:
tar -cf /tmp/facets.tar yourfacet yourgalaxy
uuencode /tmp/facets.tar facets.tar > facets.uu
Copyright © 1990-1997, University of California. All rights