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NITRD HCSS-AS: Call for Position Papers

National Workshop on Aviation Software Systems: Design for Certifiably Dependable Systems
A Workshop on Research Directions and State of Practice of High Confidence Software Systems
October 4-5, 2006, Alexandria, VA
  • Call for Papers

Call For Position Papers

The workshop is by invitation. We encourage potential participants to submit a 1-2 page position paper, using the guidelines set forth below and specifically addressing topics listed above. This will aid the organizers in ensuring that the attendees and topics are well matched.

Government representatives interested in being invited to attend as observers are asked to submit a brief bio with a few sentences describing your interest in HCSS-AS to the organizers


  • Authors are encouraged to submit their paper
    • in Adobe PDF format
    • to Dr. Jonathan Sprinkle, with copy to Prof. Tomlin and Prof. Hansman, by
    • no later than September 1, 2006 by midnight (PDT).
  • Submitting paper here using this email shell, to ensure speedy processing by the evaluating committee.

Workshop Topics and Application Areas

The following themes are considered critical in the development and production of future HCSS-AS that are safe, secure, and reliable. (Subareas listed under each topic are meant to be indicative, rather than exhaustive).

  • Certification Issues
    • What should the certification criteria be?
    • How do you certify non-deterministic or adaptive systems?
    • Overlap between software and other parts of the system
    • Security issues
  • Costs or Barriers to Innovation
    • Design for certification
    • Lifecycle issues, costs of upgrades, etc.
    • Design for reuse
  • Methods
    • Verification and validation (V&V)
    • Automated tools for V&V
    • Experimental platforms
    • Metrics
  • Systems Issues (Guaranteed performance of a system in which software is a key part)
    • Human/software integration issues
    • Hardware/software integration issues
    • Integration with procedures
    • Integration with environment
  • Emergent Issues
    • Adaptive non-deterministic systems
    • Human/software interactions
  • Education

Application domains in which we are interested in these topics include:

  • Air Traffic Management (ATM)
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
  • Flight control
  • Command and Control (C&C)
  • Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) systems
  • Aircraft and infrastructure integration
  • Satellite and space system control


Last modified 7 December, 2006
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