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National Workshop on Aviation Software Systems: Design for Certifiably Dependable Systems
A Workshop on Research Directions and State of Practice of High Confidence Software Systems
October 4-5, 2006, Alexandria, VA

PDF Version

5 October [ Morning | Afternoon ]
6 October [ Morning | Afternoon ]


  Denotes position paper
  Denotes given presentation in Powerpoint or PDF format
  Denotes gathered documents from the workshop.

5 October--Morning




Coffee and Breakfast



Introductory Session (Claire Tomlin)


NITRD (Simon Szykman)
NSF (Helen Gill)
OSD (Rob Gold)
AFRL (Dave Homan)
FAA (Hal Pierson)
NASA (Paul Miner)
NITRD (Sally Howe)


Keynote Address



John Hansman
Professor, Director, International Center for Air Transportation



Questions and discussion






Design of a Certifiably Dependable Next-Generation Air Transportation System

Stephen A. Jacklin, Michelle M. Eshow, Michael R. Lowry, Willem Visser,
Ewen Denny, and Johann Schumann (NASA Ames Research Center)


Cyber Security Research Plans for a Secure Aircraft Data Network (SADN)

Kevin Harnett, Vince Rakauskas (VOLPE National Transportation Center)


Electronic Distribution of Airplane Loadable Software: Some Challenges of Integrating On-Board Computational Systems with Ground-Based IT Networks

Scott Lintelman, Richard Robinson, Mingyan Li (Boeing), David von Oheimb (Seimens Corporate Technology), Radha Poovendran, Krishna Sampigethaya (University of Washington)


Airplane Assets Distribution System– Security Requirements

Scott Lintelman, Richard Robinson, Mingyan Li (Boeing), David von Oheimb (Seimens Corporate Technology), Radha Poovendran, Krishna Sampigethaya (University of Washington)


V&V Technologies Identified by VVIACS

Gregory S. Tallant, James M. Buffington, Walter A. Storm, Peter O. Stanfill (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company), Bruce Krogh (Carnegie Mellon University)


NAS-wide network modeling software for traffic flow management

Alexandre Bayen, Dengfeng Sun, Charles Robelin, Jessica Pannequin, Issam Strub
Alaa Hilal, Elie ElKhoury, Ibtissam Ezzedine, Sam Yang, Abdul-Hamid Ghandour (UC Berkeley)


Dynamic Aircraft Routing Services: Complexity, Scalability, Efficiency, and Software Design

Emilio Frazzoli (MIT)


FACET: Future Air Traffic Management Concepts Evaluation Tool

Banavar Sridhar (NASA Ames Research Center)





General Discussion:

Moderator: Lui Sha,
Scribe: Paul Miner





Lunch - Keynote Address


  Col. Michael Leahy
United States Air Force
Vice Director, 448th Combat Sustainment Wing




Questions and discussion

5 October--Afternoon




Certification and Assessment


Scalable Compositional Analysis

Azer Bestavros (Boston University)


Capabilities and Limitations of Static Error Detection in Software for Critical Systems

S. Tucker Taft (SofCheck)


Certification by Composition?

Scott Beecher, Jim Krodel (Pratt & Whitney)


On the Correctness of Model Transformations

Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University)


Basing Aviation Software Certification On Assurance Cases

Patrick J. Graydon, John C. Knight, Elisabeth A. Strunk (University of Virginia)


How do we make sense of modeling and model analysis?

Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania)


Formal Certification for Embedded Aerospace Software

Rance Cleaveland (University of Maryland) (did not attend)


Missing in Action: Timing Analysis and Soft Error Protection

Frank Mueller (North Carolina State University)


Certification and evaluation - current methods and future prospects

Robin Bloomfield (City University, London, and Adelard LLP)



General Discussion

Moderator: David E. Corman
Scribe: Darren Cofer





Systems Issues


Research and Roadmap Thoughts

Barbara Lingberg (FAA)


High-productivity development environments for certifiably dependable systems

Darren Cofer (Honeywell)


NexGen ATM System: A Perspective

Andres Zellweger (JPDO)


Performance Measures and Validation for Systems of Decentralised/Distributed UAS

Salah Sukkarieh (University of Sydney, ACFR)


Certification Challenges for Autonomous Flight Control System

David Homan (AFRL)


What The Future Holds…

Glenn Roberts (MITRE)


Systems Engineering for Automating V&V of Dependable Systems

John Baras (University of Maryland)


Thoughts on Legacy and Next Generation Air Transportation System

Andy Steinberg, Naveen Rao (FAA) (Presentation unavailable)




Wanted: A Systems View on Certification!

Kristina Lundqvist, Jayakanth Srinivasan (MIT)


Computer Security Aspects of Dependable Avionics Systems

Jim Alves-Foss (University of Idaho)


Aerospace Engineering Education Has Not Kept Pace with Technology

Lyle Long (Penn State University)




General Discussion

Moderator: Gabor Karsai
Scribe: Alexandre Bayen


Working Groups



Working Group discussions




Wrap Up of Day 1



Reception + Cash Bar

6 October--Morning



Coffee and Breakfast



Introduction (John Hansman)


Keynote Address



John Rushby
SRI International
Program Director, Formal Methods and Dependable Systems



Questions and discussion







Complexity and Stability in Modern Avionics

Lui R. Sha (UIUC)


Software Fault Protection

Allen Goldberg


Aircraft Certification Guidelines for the use of Commercial Off-The-Shelf Hardware / Software

Peter Skaves (Unable to attend)


Static Stability Analysis of Autocoded Software for Aviation Systems

Arnaud Venet (Kestrel Technologies), Eric Feron (Georgia Tech)


Methods have limits …

Matthew B. Dwyer, Steve Goddard, Sebastian Elbaum (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)


Safety and Security in the Next Generation Air Transportation System

Natasha Neogi


Timing Predictability - A Must for Avionics Systems

Reinhard Wilhelm



General Discussion

Moderator: Eric Feron
Scribe: Salah Sukkarieh








Breakout Groups


6 October--Afternoon



Lunch - Keynote Address



Don C. Winter
Boeing Phantom Works
Vice President, Engineering & Information Technology



Questions and discussion


Continue Breakout groups



Continue breakout groups



Reconvene in main room


Outbriefs of Breakout Groups


Group 1 - Methods

Azer Bestavros (moderator)

Matthew Dwyer, Allen Goldberg, Paul Jones, Martha Matzke, Paul Miner, Cesar Munoz, David von Oheimb, Calton Pu, John Rushby, Lui Sha, Bill Spees, Reinhard Wilhelm


Group 2 - Applications

Scott Lintelman (Moderator), Jim Paunicka (Scribe)

Alex Bayen, Ray Bortner, David Corman, Eric Feron, Helen Gill, Kevin Harnett, David Homan, Gabor Karsai, Frankie King, Col. Mike Leahy, Xiaogong Lee, Mingyan Li, Vince Rakauskas, Johann Schumann, Jonathan Sprinkle, Banavar Sridhar


Group 3 - Certification

Jim Krodel (Moderator), Richard Robinson (Scribe)

Oleg Sokolsky, Tucker Taft, Hal Pierson, Steve Jacklin, Jim Alves-Foss, Natasha Neogi, Patrick Graydon


Group 4 - Systems Issues

John Baras (Moderator), Eric Cooper (Scribe)

Claire Tomlin, Mingyan Li, Lyle Long, Walter Storm, Peter Stanfill, Kristina Lundqvist, Ernie Lucier, Andres Zellweger, Barbara Lingberg, ElRoy Weins, Glenn Roberts




Wrap Up of Workshop




Last modified 7 December, 2006
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