
Chess Center: 337 Cory Hall
Multihop Routing Simulation
of TinyOS-based Wireless Sensor Networks in Viptos
Weekly Progress:
Week 1:
- Installed TinyOS and other related programs on computer
- Went through TinyOS tutorials: http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-1.x/doc/tutorial/
- Attended Ptolemy meeting
- Went to first CHESS SUPERB meeting
Week 2:
- Read: The nesC Language: A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded
- Read: System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors
- Installed & configured Eclipse
- Set up Source Forge Account
- Reviewed Ptolemy, TinyOS, TOSSIM, Viptos, & VisualSense
- Decided on summer project: creating a multihop demo for Viptos
Week 3:
- Read about threads in Operating System Concepts, (Silberschatz,
Galvin, Gagne)
- Read: Viptos: A Graphical Development & Simulation Environment
for TinyOS-based WSN
- Began looking at code in Surge demo
- Simulated Surge demo in TOSSIM
- Set up physical Surge demo in lab
- Attended Controls Dynamics Reading Group for presentation on Rene
Thom, Structural Stability, Catastrophe Theory, and applied Mathematics
- Attended Lessons Unlearned in Wireless presented by Rajiv
- Met with Shelia Humphrys for graduate school advising

Week 4:
- Read: TOSSIM: Accurate and Scalable Simulation of TinyOS Applications
- Attended Preparing a Research Presentation Workshop by Dianna
- Attended Presentation by Al Pisano from Mechanical Engineering "The
Future of Gadgets"
- Read through Surge code in hopes of finding packet format
- Attended CHESS SUPERB meeting where Nandita
presented on "Stochastic Hybrid Systems"
- Attended "Sensitive Information in a Networked World"
presented by Joan Feigenbaum from Yale
- Attended presentation on TRUST group by Shankar Sastry
Week 5:
- Attended Ptolemy meeting
- Met with Beatriz Lopez-Flores for advising
- Created plan of attack with Elaine
for multi-hop simulation
- Added line element to MicaCompositeActor that changes its length based
on input from a clock.

- Attended presentation by Dominique Duncan
on "Highway Traffic Flow Analysis and Control"
- Began creating SurgeChannel, a communication channel that extends
the functionality of LimitedRangeChannel by calling an updateLine()
Week 6:
- Visited IBM Laboritories in San Jose
- Worked on adding updateLine() functionality to SurgeChannel
- Met with Elaine about getContainer() problem
- Attended presentation on fellowships by Shelia Humphrys
- Created presentation: Multihop Routing in Viptos
- Set-up live Surge demo again
- Ran simulated Surge demo
- Presented at SUPERB/CHESS & Ptolemy joint meeting
- Gained a new method for implementing a graphical line in Viptos
thanks to Edward Lee
- Revised/Updated plan of attack for creating demo
Week 7:
- Attended final SUPERB meeting
- Attended presentation by Nashlie Sephus
on "Auto-Pilot for an Ultra-Light Flying Wing"
- Designed poster for poster session
- Created & Commited LinkVisualizer tool to CVS

- Test LinkVisualizer in existing simulations
Week 8:
- Developed demo in Viptos of Surge program utilizing SurgeVisualizer

- Wrote, edited, and submitted to SUPERB a paper on summer research
- Printed & Presented poster at poster session
To modify this page, use CVS. For website or
program issues contact Dr. Jonathan