Scientific Contribution
The NSF project Foundations Of Resilient CybEr-physical Systems
(FORCES) focuses on the resilient design of large-scale
networked CPS systems that directly interface with
humans. FORCES aims to provide comprehensive tools that allow
the CPS designers and operators to combine resilient control
(RC) algorithms with economic incentive (EI) schemes.
project is developing RC tools to withstand a wide-range of
attacks and faults; learning and control algorithms which
integrate human actions with spatio-temporal and hybrid dynamics
of networked CPS systems; and model-based design to assure
semantically consistent representations across all branches of
the project. Operations of networked CPS systems naturally
depend on the systemic social institutions and the individual
deployment choices of the humans who use and operate them. The
presence of incomplete and asymmetric information among these
actors leads to a gap between the individually and socially
optimal equilibrium resiliency levels. The project is developing
EI schemes to reduce this gap. The core contributions of the
FORCES team, which includes experts in control systems, game
theory, and mechanism design, are the foundations for the
co-design of RC and EI schemes and technological tools for
implementing them.
Expected Impacts
Resilient CPS infrastructure is a critical National Asset. FORCES is contributing to the development of new Science of CPS by being the first project that integrates networked control with game theoretic tools and economic incentives of human decision makers for resilient CPS design and operation. The FORCES integrated co-design philosophy is being validated on two CPS domains: electric power distribution and consumption, and transportation networks. These design prototypes are being tested in real world scenarios. The teams research efforts are being complemented by educational offerings on resilient CPS targeted to a large and diverse audience.