cosi::IdGraph Class Reference

#include <IdGraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for cosi::IdGraph:

cosi::commstruct::onchipcommunication::ChannelDependencyGraph cosi::CommunicationStructure< L > cosi::CommunicationStructure< cosi::Label_1 > cosi::CommunicationStructure< cosi::Label_10 > cosi::CommunicationStructure< cosi::Label_5 > cosi::CommunicationStructure< cosi::Label_7 > cosi::CommunicationStructure< cosi::Label_8 > cosi::NetworkBase cosi::NocSpecification cosi::NocSpecification

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef list< int >::iterator list_iterator
typedef set< int >::iterator v_iterator

Public Member Functions

 IdGraph (string Name)
 Defult Constructor.
virtual ~IdGraph ()
 Defult Destructor.
int InDegree (int r)
 Returns the input degree of node r.
int OutDegree (int r)
 Returns the output degree of node r.
int Ns ()
 Returns the nuber of sources.
int Nd ()
 Returns the nuber of destinations.
int Nr ()
 Returns the nuber of additional nodes.
Vertex AddVertex ()
void AddVertex (int Id)
 Adds a vertex.
void DeleteVertex (int Id)
 Removes a vertex.
bool InV (int V)
 Returns true if the vertex is in the graph.
bool InE (int i, int j)
 Returns true if the edge (i,j) is in the graph.
bool InE (Edge pE)
 Returns true if the edge is in the graph.
void AddEdge (int i, int j)
 Adds an edge between i and j.
void AddEdge (Edge pE)
 Adds an edge.
void DeleteEdge (int i, int j)
 Removes an edge between i and j.
void DeleteEdge (Edge pE)
int Order ()
 Returns the number of vertices.
int Size ()
 Returns the number of edges.
void Rename (int id1, int id2)
list_iterator in_begin (int V)
 Returns the begin iterator to the list of vertices connected to V.
list_iterator in_end (int V)
 Returns the end iterator to the list of vertices connected to V.
list_iterator out_begin (int V)
 Returns the begin iterator to the list of vertices V is connected to.
list_iterator out_end (int V)
 Returns the end iterator to the list of vertices V is connected to.
v_iterator s_begin ()
 Returns the begin iterator to the set of sources.
v_iterator s_end ()
 Returns the end iterator to the set of sources.
v_iterator d_begin ()
 Returns the begin iterator to the set of destinations.
v_iterator d_end ()
 Returns the end iterator to the set of destinations.
v_iterator r_begin ()
 Returns the begin iterator to the set of routers.
v_iterator r_end ()
 Returns the end iterator to the set of routers.
v_iterator v_begin ()
 Returns the begin iterator to the set of vertexes.
v_iterator v_end ()
 Returns the end iterator to the set of vertexes.
string GetName () const
 Returns the name of the graph.
void SetName (string pName)
 Sets the name of the graph.
void SetName (int V, string pName)
 Sets the name of a vertex.
void SetName (int U, int V, string pName)
 Sets the name of an edge.
void SetName (Edge pE, string pName)
string GetName (int V)
 Get the name of the a vertex.
string GetName (int U, int V)
 Get the name of the an edge.
string GetName (Edge pE)
int GetId (string Name)
virtual string Print ()
virtual string PrintNode (int V)
virtual string PrintEdge (int U, int V)
virtual string PrintEdge (Edge pE)
int GetLastId ()

Private Member Functions

void UpdateVertex (int V)

Private Attributes

map< int, list< int > > mAdjList
 Adj List.
map< int, list< int > > mRadjList
 Reversed Adj List.
set< int > mS
 Set of sources.
set< int > mD
 Set of destinations.
set< int > mR
 Set of routers.
set< int > mV
 Set of all vertices.
int mSize
 Number of edges in the graph.
string mName
 Name of the graph.
map< int, string > mNodeName
map< pair< int, int >, string > mEdgeName
map< string, int > mNodeId
map< string, pair< int, int > > mEdgeIdPair
int mLastId

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef list<int>::iterator cosi::IdGraph::list_iterator

typedef set<int>::iterator cosi::IdGraph::v_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cosi::IdGraph::IdGraph ( string  Name  ) 

Defult Constructor.

cosi::IdGraph::~IdGraph (  )  [virtual]

Defult Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

int cosi::IdGraph::InDegree ( int  r  ) 

Returns the input degree of node r.

int cosi::IdGraph::OutDegree ( int  r  ) 

Returns the output degree of node r.

int cosi::IdGraph::Ns (  ) 

Returns the nuber of sources.

int cosi::IdGraph::Nd (  ) 

Returns the nuber of destinations.

int cosi::IdGraph::Nr (  ) 

Returns the nuber of additional nodes.

bool cosi::IdGraph::InV ( int  V  ) 

Returns true if the vertex is in the graph.

bool cosi::IdGraph::InE ( int  i,
int  j 

Returns true if the edge (i,j) is in the graph.

bool cosi::IdGraph::InE ( Edge  pE  ) 

Returns true if the edge is in the graph.

int cosi::IdGraph::Order (  ) 

Returns the number of vertices.

int cosi::IdGraph::Size (  ) 

Returns the number of edges.

void cosi::IdGraph::Rename ( int  id1,
int  id2 

IdGraph::list_iterator cosi::IdGraph::in_begin ( int  V  ) 

Returns the begin iterator to the list of vertices connected to V.

IdGraph::list_iterator cosi::IdGraph::in_end ( int  V  ) 

Returns the end iterator to the list of vertices connected to V.

IdGraph::list_iterator cosi::IdGraph::out_begin ( int  V  ) 

Returns the begin iterator to the list of vertices V is connected to.

IdGraph::list_iterator cosi::IdGraph::out_end ( int  V  ) 

Returns the end iterator to the list of vertices V is connected to.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::s_begin (  ) 

Returns the begin iterator to the set of sources.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::s_end (  ) 

Returns the end iterator to the set of sources.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::d_begin (  ) 

Returns the begin iterator to the set of destinations.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::d_end (  ) 

Returns the end iterator to the set of destinations.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::r_begin (  ) 

Returns the begin iterator to the set of routers.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::r_end (  ) 

Returns the end iterator to the set of routers.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::v_begin (  ) 

Returns the begin iterator to the set of vertexes.

IdGraph::v_iterator cosi::IdGraph::v_end (  ) 

Returns the end iterator to the set of vertexes.

string cosi::IdGraph::GetName (  )  const

Returns the name of the graph.

void cosi::IdGraph::SetName ( string  pName  ) 

Sets the name of the graph.

void cosi::IdGraph::SetName ( int  V,
string  pName 

Sets the name of a vertex.

void cosi::IdGraph::SetName ( int  U,
int  V,
string  pName 

Sets the name of an edge.

void cosi::IdGraph::SetName ( Edge  pE,
string  pName 

string cosi::IdGraph::GetName ( int  V  ) 

Get the name of the a vertex.

string cosi::IdGraph::GetName ( int  U,
int  V 

Get the name of the an edge.

string cosi::IdGraph::GetName ( Edge  pE  ) 

int cosi::IdGraph::GetId ( string  Name  ) 

string cosi::IdGraph::Print (  )  [virtual]

int cosi::IdGraph::GetLastId (  ) 

void cosi::IdGraph::UpdateVertex ( int  V  )  [private]

Member Data Documentation

map< int , list<int> > cosi::IdGraph::mAdjList [private]

Adj List.

map< int , list<int> > cosi::IdGraph::mRadjList [private]

Reversed Adj List.

set< int > cosi::IdGraph::mS [private]

Set of sources.

set< int > cosi::IdGraph::mD [private]

Set of destinations.

set< int > cosi::IdGraph::mR [private]

Set of routers.

set<int> cosi::IdGraph::mV [private]

Set of all vertices.

int cosi::IdGraph::mSize [private]

Number of edges in the graph.

string cosi::IdGraph::mName [private]

Name of the graph.

map< int , string > cosi::IdGraph::mNodeName [private]

map< pair<int,int> , string > cosi::IdGraph::mEdgeName [private]

map< string , int > cosi::IdGraph::mNodeId [private]

map< string , pair<int,int> > cosi::IdGraph::mEdgeIdPair [private]

int cosi::IdGraph::mLastId [private]

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