


The Communication Synthesis Infrastructure (COSI) is a software environment that can be easily adapted to implement communication synthesis tools for many different applications.

Network synthesis has been studied for years by different communities. In computer science (CS) the network is represented by a graph decorated by labels on arcs (usually called capacities and flows). Traditional algorithms for maximum flow, minimum cost flow, Steiner tree etc. have been studied and applied to communication networks (mainly inspired by the Internet). In operations research (OR), many optimization problems on networks are inspired by the potential cost saving that can be achieved in transportation and supply chain management applications. Although some non trivial optimization algorithms have been, and will be, developed in the course of the COSI project, the main contribution is a general methodology. Ideally, such methodology will be general enough to be applied to many application domains where a network, usually physically constrained by the environment, needs to be designed.

In this project we are concerned with networks for embedded systems. We address the problem of providing a formal framework for specifying network as communication structures. A communication structure can be used to define a communication problem as end-to-end communication constraints between users. Communication structures can also be used to define a library of communication components together with their performance. In many networked embedded systems, the environment needs to be capture as one more additional constraint. For instance, in an indoor wireless network for building automation, the walls and the floors have an impact on the performances of the network. By the same token, in a System-on-Chip, the silicon area occupied by pre-designed IP cores represents a constraint on the available space to install network components and wires to interconnect the cores.

We use COSI for the synthesis of Networked Embedded Systems. We plan many releases of the software depending on the specific application:

  • COSI NoC for on chip networks : Version 1.2 (done), Version 1.3 (under development)
  • COSI WNES for wired networked embedded systems: Version 1.0 ( under development)
  • COSI WLESSNES for wireless networked embedded systems : Version 1.0 (under development)
  • COSI WWNES for wireless and wired networked embedded systems : Version 1.0

Organization of this Document

This document is a guide to the development of communication analysis and syntheis tools for networked embedded systems using COSI. Plese refer to the following document for the theoretical backgroung that will not be discussed here.

Alessandro Pinto, A Platform-Based Approach to Communication Synthesis for Embedded Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, May 2008

There are four setps to follow to set up and and solve a communication synthesis problem. The first step is to define the quantities that are involved in the optimization problem. Bandwidth is one possible quantity. More interestig ones are, for instance, the name and type ports of a node, or the rate and length of messages at the output of a port.

The second step is to define the communication structures. A communication structure is a special type of graph. The components of a communication structure are nodes and links. Notice that such components can actually be refined into other communication structures at a lower level of abstraction. A communication structure contains also a set of possible configuration of the components. A configuration is a function that associates to each component a vector of quantities (called label). To define a synthesis (or mapping) step, we need to define the communication structure that captures the specificaion, called the communication specificaion. Then, we need to define the communication strucuture that captures a platform instance. The quantities associated to a platform instance are similar to the ones that characterize the specification but they represent capabilities rather that constraints. For instance, an end-to-end constraint in the specification has an associated minimum bandwidth requirement while a link in a platform instance has an associated capacity that captures the maximum bandwidth that a link can support. Finally, we need to define the the communciation structure that captures an implementation. Usually, the quantities associated to the components of an implementation are the union of the quantities of the specification and the platform instance.

The thirs step is to define the library elements that are used to construct a platform instance and then map the specification on it to obtain an implementation. Each component in the library is again a communication structure. A set of models is attached to each library element to compute derived quantities.

Finally, an algorithm can be developed that reads the specification, the library elements and the rules to compose them and derives an optimal implementation.

This document covers the installation and configuration of COSI (Installation and Configuration of COSI). Detailed description of each class can found by browsing the software documentation. Deatailed explanation of models and algorithms can be found in the "COSI Related Pages" section.

COSI provides some communication synthesis flows but this manual describes the general software environemnt that allows to organize synthesis flows. The manual describes how to implement the following four steps:

In this release

In this release of COSI we have developed packages for the synthesis of on-chip communication architectures and wired networks for building automation systems. The packages provide the definition of the quantities involved, the definition of library elements and composition rules (i.e. the platform) and synthesis algorithms. A rich set of input and output plug-ins is also provided. We list the elements that have been developed for each desigh flow. However, some elements are in common and elements defined for one design flow can be also used in other design flows if that makes sense.

For on-chip communication synthesis we provide:

  • Quantities
    • Ports and interfaces
    • Geometry of IP cores
    • Implementation parameters for nodes and links
    • Transfer tables (or routing tables)
    • Type and name of components
    • Commodity and commodity set
    • Delay
  • Communication structures
    • Specificaiton
    • Platform instance
    • Implementation
    • Channel dependency graph
  • Components
    • IP cores, sources and destinations
    • Routers
    • Releay stations
    • Point-to-point interconnect
  • Composition rules
    • Restriction on components positions
    • Unique assignement of id to components
    • Deadlock freedom
  • Environment
    • General 2D surface
    • IP core
    • Placed IP core
    • Installation surface (free space on the chip)
  • Synthesis algorithms
    • Degree constrained iterated shortes path
    • Optimized Mesh topology
    • Start networks
    • Hierarchical: network of star networks.
  • Input and output
    • XML project and specification definition
    • Interface to the PARQUET floorplanner
    • Interface to Hmetis and PatoH graph partitioner
    • Generation of systemc executable simulation
    • Generation of Dot description of the network implementation
    • Generation of Svg graphical representation of the implementation
    • Generation of textual report for area and power

For building automation wired networks we provide:

  • Quantities
    • Ports and interfaces
    • Bandwidth
    • Position
    • Name and type of components
    • Thread and thread set
    • Wiring path
    • Delay
  • Communication structures
    • Specification
    • Platform Instance
    • Implementation
  • Components
    • Twisted pair interconnect
    • Ethernet link
    • Arcnet nodes: sensor, actuator, controller
    • Ethernet nodes
    • Arcnet bus
    • Ethernet subnetwork
  • Composition rules
    • Restriction on the position of nodes
    • Wiring rule
  • Environment
    • General 2D face in 3D
    • Wall
    • Wire installation surface
  • Synthesis algorithms
    • Bus-based synthesis for Arcnet networks
    • Two-level network: first and second level implementation technology can be decided as input parameter
  • Input and output
    • Parser of svg specification captured in Inkscape
    • Interface to Hmetis and PatoH graph partitioners
    • Generation of Svg graphical representation of the implementation
    • Generation of textual report for cost, bandwidth, latency and slack

For general graphs we provide

  • Quantities
    • Real numbers
  • Communication structures
    • Graphs labeled with real quantities
  • Algorithms
    • Connected components
    • Facility location
    • Minimum spanning tree
    • Shortest path
    • Travelling salesman problem
    • K-median (need to be revised)

Generated on Sun Sep 7 18:37:42 2008 for COSI by  doxygen 1.5.4
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