cosi::library::Link Class Reference

#include <Link.h>

Inheritance diagram for cosi::library::Link:

cosi::library::wiredbas::InstantiableLink cosi::library::wiredbas::Link cosi::library::wiredbas::EthernetLink cosi::library::wiredbas::TwistedPair

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Link ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~Link ()
 Virtual default destructor.
void SetName (std::string pS)
 Sets the name of this link.
std::string GetName ()
 Returns the name of the instance of a link.
void SetType (std::string pS)
 Sets the type of the link.
std::string GetType ()
 Returns the type of the link.
void SetSource (Name pS)
 Sets the name of the source node.
Name GetSource ()
 Returns the name of the library element that can be the source of this link.
void SetDestination (Name pS)
 Sets the name of the destination node.
Name GetDestination ()
 Returns the name of the library elements that can be the destination of this link.
void SetSourceInterface (PortInterface pIf)
 Sets the type of the interface that can be the source interface of this link.
PortInterface GetSourceInterface ()
 Returns that source interface of this link.
void SetDestinationInterface (PortInterface pIf)
 Sets the type of the interface that can be the destination interface of this link.
PortInterface GetDestinationInterface ()
 Returns the destination interface of this node.
bool Directed ()
void Directed (bool pD)

Private Attributes

bool mDirected
 This field is true if the link is directed.
std::string mName
 The name of this instance.
std::string mType
 The type of this link (obsolete).
Name mSource
 The name of the source node of this link.
Name mDest
 The name of the destination node of this link.
PortInterface mSourceInterface
 The type of the source interface of this link.
PortInterface mDestInterface
 The type of the destination interface of this link.

Detailed Description

This base class defines a link. A link is a connection between two ports of two nodes. A link can be directed or indirected.

Alessandro Pinto,

The Donald O. Pederson Center for Electronic System Design

Electrical Engineering Department

University of California, Berkeley

545P Cory Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720

+1 (510) 642 9670

Link.h,v 1.8 2008/08/22 00:16:21 apinto Exp

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cosi::library::Link::Link (  ) 

Default constructor.

Sets all fields to Unknown.

Reimplemented in cosi::library::wiredbas::Link.

cosi::library::Link::~Link (  )  [virtual]

Virtual default destructor.

Reimplemented in cosi::library::wiredbas::Link.

Member Function Documentation

void cosi::library::Link::SetName ( std::string  pS  ) 

Sets the name of this link.

This is a name associated with the instance of the link as opposed to the name associated to a library element. The name of a library element should be a static field defined when this class is derived.

std::string cosi::library::Link::GetName (  ) 

Returns the name of the instance of a link.

void cosi::library::Link::SetType ( std::string  pS  ) 

Sets the type of the link.

This function is obsolete. The type should be instance dependent but should be associated to the library element and defined as a static field of the library element.

std::string cosi::library::Link::GetType (  ) 

Returns the type of the link.

void cosi::library::Link::SetSource ( Name  pS  ) 

Sets the name of the source node.

This is the name of the library element that can be a source for this link.

Name cosi::library::Link::GetSource (  ) 

Returns the name of the library element that can be the source of this link.

void cosi::library::Link::SetDestination ( Name  pS  ) 

Sets the name of the destination node.

This is the name of the library element that can be a destination for this link.

Name cosi::library::Link::GetDestination (  ) 

Returns the name of the library elements that can be the destination of this link.

void cosi::library::Link::SetSourceInterface ( PortInterface  pIf  ) 

Sets the type of the interface that can be the source interface of this link.

The source node can have many interfaces. A link connectes one source interface to one destination interface.

PortInterface cosi::library::Link::GetSourceInterface (  ) 

Returns that source interface of this link.

void cosi::library::Link::SetDestinationInterface ( PortInterface  pIf  ) 

Sets the type of the interface that can be the destination interface of this link.

The destination node can have many interfaces. A link connectes one source interface to one destination interface.

PortInterface cosi::library::Link::GetDestinationInterface (  ) 

Returns the destination interface of this node.

bool cosi::library::Link::Directed (  ) 

void cosi::library::Link::Directed ( bool  pD  ) 

Member Data Documentation

This field is true if the link is directed.

std::string cosi::library::Link::mName [private]

The name of this instance.

std::string cosi::library::Link::mType [private]

The type of this link (obsolete).

The name of the source node of this link.

The name of the destination node of this link.

The type of the source interface of this link.

The type of the destination interface of this link.

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