First cut
John Reekie, 27 Jul 1999
Michael and I met and came up with the following
design. The high-level picture is that what is currently
a single set of documentation needs to be split into
- The actual Web site itself
- Developer documentation for each individual release.
These two sets of documentation will be mutually
exclusive (kiss...). The Web docs will point to
copies of the developer docs for i) the current
release and ii) the current snapshot (and
possibly past ones as well?)
The documentation downloaded as part of the release
is very simple in layout and formatting. Ideally,
this documentation is clearly marked with the release
or snapshot version on every page to highlight the
fact that it is version-specific. The index.html
page contains links to the following sections:
- A link to the website itself!
- Installation
- Installing and running demos
- Trouble-shooting
- List of changes since last snapshot/release
- Package documentation -- canvas, graph, sketch etc
- API docs (by default the index.html is just a page that
says "build the docs")
- Acknowledgements and copyright notice (also duplicated
on the website)
The website has the following sections:
- Home
- About
- Demos, eventually with applets. Initially some of this
will be duplicated with the developer documentation.
- Downloads. Tne download page has links for the
current release and snapshot to:
- Individual zip and tar files
- A copy of the developer docs for that release or snapshot
Also, it would be nice to integrate the navigation links
for the database driven pages:
- Forum
- Private forum
- Mailing lists
- Task list
- Bug database
(Perhaps this could be both linked on the index page text,
and also appear on the footer of individual pages?)