Stochastic Model Predictive Control Design for Load Management System of Aircraft Electrical Power Distribution
Behrooz Shahsavari, Mehdi Maasoumy, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Roberto Horowitz

Behrooz Shahsavari, Mehdi Maasoumy, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Roberto Horowitz. "Stochastic Model Predictive Control Design for Load Management System of Aircraft Electrical Power Distribution". American Control Conference, IEEE, July, 2015.

Aircraft Electric Power Systems (EPS) route power from generators to vital avionics loads by configuring a set of electronic control switches denoted as contactors. The external loads applied to an EPS, power requirement of the system, electrical component failure events, and the dynamics of the system are inherently uncertain. In this paper, we address the problem of designing a stochastic optimal control strategy for the EPS contactors. We first represent mathematical models of different components of an EPS, and formalize the performance metrics of the system as well as the constraints that should be satisfied in a stochastic modeling framework. We then formulate the optimization of the system performance as a stochastic model predictive control (SMPC) problem, and present two special cases of the proposed SMPC analysis to approximate the problem with linear mixed-integer optimization problems. Finally, we report simulation results to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Behrooz Shahsavari, Mehdi Maasoumy, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Roberto Horowitz. <a
    >Stochastic Model Predictive Control Design for Load
    Management System of Aircraft Electrical Power
    Distribution</a>, American Control Conference, IEEE,
    July, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Behrooz Shahsavari, Mehdi Maasoumy, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Roberto Horowitz. "Stochastic
    Model Predictive Control Design for Load Management System
    of Aircraft Electrical Power Distribution". American
    Control Conference, IEEE, July, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Behrooz Shahsavari and Mehdi Maasoumy and Alberto
                  Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Roberto Horowitz},
        title = {Stochastic Model Predictive Control Design for
                  Load Management System of Aircraft Electrical
                  Power Distribution},
        booktitle = {American Control Conference},
        organization = {IEEE},
        month = {July},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Aircraft Electric Power Systems (EPS) route power
                  from generators to vital avionics loads by
                  configuring a set of electronic control switches
                  denoted as contactors. The external loads applied
                  to an EPS, power requirement of the system,
                  electrical component failure events, and the
                  dynamics of the system are inherently uncertain.
                  In this paper, we address the problem of designing
                  a stochastic optimal control strategy for the EPS
                  contactors. We first represent mathematical models
                  of different components of an EPS, and formalize
                  the performance metrics of the system as well as
                  the constraints that should be satisfied in a
                  stochastic modeling framework. We then formulate
                  the optimization of the system performance as a
                  stochastic model predictive control (SMPC)
                  problem, and present two special cases of the
                  proposed SMPC analysis to approximate the problem
                  with linear mixed-integer optimization problems.
                  Finally, we report simulation results to confirm
                  the effectiveness of the proposed approach.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mehdi Maasoumy on 15 Mar 2015.
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