TerraSwarm Programming the Swarm Workshop
May 27 - 29, 2015
8:30am - 5:00pm. Swarm Lab, 490 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley
This workshop is designed to be a hands-only, intensive workshop for a limited number of coders. Attendees will develop Accessors using Vert.x and Node.js. At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will be able to create their own accessors.
This workshop is by invitation only. Members of the accessors workgroup may request permission to attend. Requests will be evaluated based on space availability and coding experience.
This is *not* a testbeds meeting. The focus will be on coding, not hardware.
May 27: One day intensive hands-on introduction to designing and using accessors for building swarmlets. Prior experience with JavaScript and XML is helpful. The Homework is essential.
May 28-29: Two day intensive teamwork on extending the accessors framework to provide access to new devices and services. Prior experience with Java/Eclipse and/or Node.js is helpful.
The agenda is posted here. Note that day 2 still has some open slots. Please make suggestions.Time and location
Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Location: the Swarm Lab, 490 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley.
Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. A casual dinner will be served in the Swarm Lab after the workshop on Wednesday and Thursday.
Registration is required: REGISTER HERE
See the workshop wiki for homework.
More Information
More information can be found about the Programming the Swarm Workshop on the Accessors webpage.
For questions or concerns, please contact:
- Christopher Brooks, UC Berkeley
- Barb Hoversten, UC Berkeley
Sponsored by: TerraSwarm Research Center