Information-Theoretic Mapping Using Cauchy-Schwarz Quadratic Mutual Information
Benjamin Charrow, Sikang Liu, Vijay Kumar, Nathan Michael

Benjamin Charrow, Sikang Liu, Vijay Kumar, Nathan Michael. "Information-Theoretic Mapping Using Cauchy-Schwarz Quadratic Mutual Information". International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 26, May, 2015.

We develop a computationally efficient control policy for active perception that incorporates explicit models of sensing and mobility to build 3D maps with ground and aerial robots. Like previous work, our policy maximizes an information-theoretic objective function between the discrete occupancy belief distribution (e.g., voxel grid) and future measurements that can be made by mobile sensors. However, our work is unique in three ways. First, we show that by using Cauchy-Schwarz Quadratic Mutual Information (CSQMI), we get significant gains in efficiency. Second, while most previous methods adopt a myopic, gradient-following approach that yields poor convergence properties, our algorithm searches over a set of paths and is less susceptible to local minima. In doing so, we explicitly incorporate models of sensors, and model the dependence (and independence) of measurements over multiple time steps in a path. Third, because we consider models of sensing and mobility, our method naturally applies to both ground and aerial vehicles. The paper describes the basic models, the problem formulation and the algorithm, and demonstrates applications via simulation and experimentation.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Benjamin Charrow, Sikang Liu, Vijay Kumar, Nathan Michael.
    >Information-Theoretic Mapping Using Cauchy-Schwarz
    Quadratic Mutual Information</a>, International
    Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 26, May, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Benjamin Charrow, Sikang Liu, Vijay Kumar, Nathan Michael.
    "Information-Theoretic Mapping Using Cauchy-Schwarz
    Quadratic Mutual Information". International Conference
    on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 26, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Benjamin Charrow and Sikang Liu and Vijay Kumar
                  and Nathan Michael},
        title = {Information-Theoretic Mapping Using Cauchy-Schwarz
                  Quadratic Mutual Information},
        booktitle = {International Conference on Robotics and
                  Automation (ICRA)},
        day = {26},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We develop a computationally efficient control
                  policy for active perception that incorporates
                  explicit models of sensing and mobility to build
                  3D maps with ground and aerial robots. Like
                  previous work, our policy maximizes an
                  information-theoretic objective function between
                  the discrete occupancy belief distribution (e.g.,
                  voxel grid) and future measurements that can be
                  made by mobile sensors. However, our work is
                  unique in three ways. First, we show that by using
                  Cauchy-Schwarz Quadratic Mutual Information
                  (CSQMI), we get significant gains in efficiency.
                  Second, while most previous methods adopt a
                  myopic, gradient-following approach that yields
                  poor convergence properties, our algorithm
                  searches over a set of paths and is less
                  susceptible to local minima. In doing so, we
                  explicitly incorporate models of sensors, and
                  model the dependence (and independence) of
                  measurements over multiple time steps in a path.
                  Third, because we consider models of sensing and
                  mobility, our method naturally applies to both
                  ground and aerial vehicles. The paper describes
                  the basic models, the problem formulation and the
                  algorithm, and demonstrates applications via
                  simulation and experimentation.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 17 Mar 2015.
Groups: services

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