Optimal Temporal Logic Planning in Probabilistic Semantic Maps
Jie Fu, Nikolay A. Atanasov, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas

Jie Fu, Nikolay A. Atanasov, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas. "Optimal Temporal Logic Planning in Probabilistic Semantic Maps". IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 16, May, 2016.

This paper considers robot motion planning under temporal logic constraints in probabilistic maps obtained by semantic simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). The uncertainty in a map distribution presents a great challenge for obtaining correctness guarantees with respect to the linear temporal logic (LTL) specification. We show that the problem can be formulated as an optimal control problem in which both the semantic map and the logic formula evaluation are stochastic. Our first contribution is to reduce the stochastic control problem for a subclass of LTL to a deterministic shortest path problem by introducing a confidence parameter delta. A robot trajectory obtained from the deterministic problem is guaranteed to have minimum cost and to satisfy the logic specification in the true environment with probability delta. Our second contribution is to design an admissible heuristic function that guides the planning in the deterministic problem towards satisfying the temporal logic specification. This allows us to obtain an optimal and very efficient solution using the A* algorithm. The performance and correctness of our approach are demonstrated in a simulated semantic environment using a differential-drive robot.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jie Fu, Nikolay A. Atanasov, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas.
    >Optimal Temporal Logic Planning in Probabilistic
    Semantic Maps</a>, IEEE International Conference on
    Robotics and Automation, 16, May, 2016.
  • Plain text
    Jie Fu, Nikolay A. Atanasov, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas.
    "Optimal Temporal Logic Planning in Probabilistic
    Semantic Maps". IEEE International Conference on
    Robotics and Automation, 16, May, 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jie Fu and Nikolay A. Atanasov and Ufuk Topcu and
                  George Pappas},
        title = {Optimal Temporal Logic Planning in Probabilistic
                  Semantic Maps},
        booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
        day = {16},
        month = {May},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {This paper considers robot motion planning under
                  temporal logic constraints in probabilistic maps
                  obtained by semantic simultaneous localization and
                  mapping (SLAM). The uncertainty in a map
                  distribution presents a great challenge for
                  obtaining correctness guarantees with respect to
                  the linear temporal logic (LTL) specification. We
                  show that the problem can be formulated as an
                  optimal control problem in which both the semantic
                  map and the logic formula evaluation are
                  stochastic. Our first contribution is to reduce
                  the stochastic control problem for a subclass of
                  LTL to a deterministic shortest path problem by
                  introducing a confidence parameter delta. A robot
                  trajectory obtained from the deterministic problem
                  is guaranteed to have minimum cost and to satisfy
                  the logic specification in the true environment
                  with probability delta. Our second contribution is
                  to design an admissible heuristic function that
                  guides the planning in the deterministic problem
                  towards satisfying the temporal logic
                  specification. This allows us to obtain an optimal
                  and very efficient solution using the A*
                  algorithm. The performance and correctness of our
                  approach are demonstrated in a simulated semantic
                  environment using a differential-drive robot.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/620.html}

Posted by Nikolay A. Atanasov on 26 Sep 2015.
Groups: services

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