Estimation of Blood Oxygen Content Using Context-Aware Filtering
Radoslav Ivanov, Nikolay A. Atanasov, James Weimer, Miroslav Pajic, Allan Simpao, Mohamed Rehman, George Pappas, Insup Lee

Radoslav Ivanov, Nikolay A. Atanasov, James Weimer, Miroslav Pajic, Allan Simpao, Mohamed Rehman, George Pappas, Insup Lee. "Estimation of Blood Oxygen Content Using Context-Aware Filtering". ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 11, April, 2016.

In this paper we address the problem of estimating the blood oxygen concentration in children during surgery. Currently, the oxygen content can only be measured through invasive means such as drawing blood from the patient. In this work, we attempt to perform estimation by only using other non-invasive measurements (e.g., fraction of oxygen in inspired air, volume of inspired air) collected during surgery. Although models mapping these measurements to blood oxygen content contain multiple parameters that vary widely across patients, the non-invasive measurements can be used to provide binary information about whether the oxygen concentration is rising or dropping. This information can then be incorporated in a context-aware filter that is used to combine regular continuous measurements with discrete detection events in order to improve estimation. We evaluate the filter using real-patient data collected over the last decade at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and show that it is a promising approach for the estimation of unobservable physiological variables.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Radoslav Ivanov, Nikolay A. Atanasov, James Weimer, Miroslav
    Pajic, Allan Simpao, Mohamed Rehman, George Pappas, Insup
    Lee. <a
    >Estimation of Blood Oxygen Content Using Context-Aware
    Filtering</a>, ACM/IEEE International Conference on
    Cyber-Physical Systems, 11, April, 2016.
  • Plain text
    Radoslav Ivanov, Nikolay A. Atanasov, James Weimer, Miroslav
    Pajic, Allan Simpao, Mohamed Rehman, George Pappas, Insup
    Lee. "Estimation of Blood Oxygen Content Using
    Context-Aware Filtering". ACM/IEEE International
    Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 11, April, 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Radoslav Ivanov and Nikolay A. Atanasov and James
                  Weimer and Miroslav Pajic and Allan Simpao and
                  Mohamed Rehman and George Pappas and Insup Lee},
        title = {Estimation of Blood Oxygen Content Using
                  Context-Aware Filtering},
        booktitle = {ACM/IEEE International Conference on
                  Cyber-Physical Systems},
        day = {11},
        month = {April},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {In this paper we address the problem of estimating
                  the blood oxygen concentration in children during
                  surgery. Currently, the oxygen content can only be
                  measured through invasive means such as drawing
                  blood from the patient. In this work, we attempt
                  to perform estimation by only using other
                  non-invasive measurements (e.g., fraction of
                  oxygen in inspired air, volume of inspired air)
                  collected during surgery. Although models mapping
                  these measurements to blood oxygen content contain
                  multiple parameters that vary widely across
                  patients, the non-invasive measurements can be
                  used to provide binary information about whether
                  the oxygen concentration is rising or dropping.
                  This information can then be incorporated in a
                  context-aware filter that is used to combine
                  regular continuous measurements with discrete
                  detection events in order to improve estimation.
                  We evaluate the filter using real-patient data
                  collected over the last decade at the Children's
                  Hospital of Philadelphia and show that it is a
                  promising approach for the estimation of
                  unobservable physiological variables.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Nikolay A. Atanasov on 5 Feb 2016.
Groups: services

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