Curriculum Development in Security and Information Assurance
Curriculum Development in Security and Information Assurance (CDSIA) is an annual workshop and capacity building program held at San Jose State University. The objectives of CDSIA are to:
- Reach out to the many universities of the California State University system and to other universities whose mission is focused on workforce preparation and undergraduate education
- Share with faculty members of these institutions material and support structures developed by the TRUST partners
- Strengthen the TRUST-related community of educators
- Facilitate the education of members of underrepresented communities in the domain of secure technologies
The workshop topics include: Security, information assurance and policy in the general education curriculum; Tools support for teaching IA and security curriculum components; Sharing and delivering curricula through the TRUST Academy Online (TAO); What preparation does industry require?; Certification and accreditation - where are we with respect to security?; What role (if any) should the teaching of "malware" play in the curriculum? Learn More >>