Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Detection of attacks on cognitive channels
Annarita Giani

Annarita Giani. "Detection of attacks on cognitive channels". Talk or presentation, 12, October, 2006.

This talk introduces a variety of novel approaches to modeling and detecting attacks on cognitive channels. A cognitive channel is the communication channel between a person and the information technology used. An attack on a cognitive channel exploits the vulnerabilities between the user, her perception of the information system, and the actual underlying technology.

The sophistication of modern information systems and their growing presence in human activities has made these channels attractive targets. Cognitive channels are increasingly the weak links in an information system because traditional technical vulnerabilities are being fixed. This has created a significant gap between computer security technology and the threat space.

Modern cognitive channel attacks are in fact complex processes that can be detected and tracked. An effective approach to defending against cognitive channel attacks therefore involves accurate process modeling and the development of new attack models based on processes. We have identified and implemented several approaches based on the Process Query System paradigm.

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  • HTML
    Annarita Giani. <a
    ><i>Detection of attacks on cognitive
    channels</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  12,
    October, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Annarita Giani. "Detection of attacks on cognitive
    channels". Talk or presentation,  12, October, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Annarita Giani},
        title = {Detection of attacks on cognitive channels},
        day = {12},
        month = {October},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {This talk introduces a variety of novel approaches
                  to modeling and detecting attacks on cognitive
                  channels. A cognitive channel is the communication
                  channel between a person and the information
                  technology used. An attack on a cognitive channel
                  exploits the vulnerabilities between the user, her
                  perception of the information system, and the
                  actual underlying technology. <p>The
                  sophistication of modern information systems and
                  their growing presence in human activities has
                  made these channels attractive targets. Cognitive
                  channels are increasingly the weak links in an
                  information system because traditional technical
                  vulnerabilities are being fixed. This has created
                  a significant gap between computer security
                  technology and the threat space. <p>Modern
                  cognitive channel attacks are in fact complex
                  processes that can be detected and tracked. An
                  effective approach to defending against cognitive
                  channel attacks therefore involves accurate
                  process modeling and the development of new attack
                  models based on processes. We have identified and
                  implemented several approaches based on the
                  Process Query System paradigm. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 19 Oct 2006.
Groups: trustseminar
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