Search results
- Visceral Targeting: Using Personalized Face Composites for Implicitly Targeted Marketing, Sonam Samat, 11, October, 2013
- Characterization and Computation of Local Nash Equilibria in Continuous Games, Lillian Ratliff, 10, October, 2013
- An Inverse Correlated Equilibrium Framework for Utility Learning in Multiplayer, Noncooperative Settings, Aaron Bestick, 10, October, 2013
- Understanding the Challenges with Medical Data Segmentation for Privacy, Ellick Chan, 10, October, 2013
- A Model-Integrated Authoring Environment for Privacy Policies, Tihamer Levendovszky, 10, October, 2013
- Improved Support for Machine-Assisted Ballot-Level Audits, David Wagner, 10, October, 2013
- Detecting Integrity Attacks on SCADA Systems, Bruno Sinopoli, 10, October, 2013
- Knowledge-Preserving Interactive Coding, Sidharth Telang, 10, October, 2013
- An Empirical Study of Vulnerability Rewards Programs, Devdatta Akhawe, 10, October, 2013
- Privacy in Europe: Initial Data on Governance Choices and Corporate Practices, Deirdre Mulligan, 9, October, 2013
- I Think, Therefore I Am: Usability and Security of Authentication Using Brainwaves, John Chuang, 9, October, 2013
- Secure Detection Using Binary Sensors, Rohan Chabukswar, 9, October, 2013
- Analysis of Data-Leak Hardware Trojans in AES Cryptographic Circuits, Trey Reece, 9, October, 2013
- Machine-Verified Network Controllers, Nate Foster, 9, October, 2013
- Design of Policy Engine to Prevent Malware Propagation in AMI, Younghee Park, 9, October, 2013
- A Dynamical Systems Approach to Energy Disaggregation, Roy Dong, 9, October, 2013
- Evolving Role Definitions Through Permission Invocation Patterns, WEN ZHANG, 9, October, 2013
- Key Homomorphic PRFs and Their Applications, Kevin Lewi, 9, October, 2013
- Naturally Rehearsing Passwords, Jeremiah Blocki, 9, October, 2013
- SoNIC: Precise Realtime Software Access and Control of Wired Networks, Hakim Weatherspoon, 9, October, 2013
- PolicyForge: A Collaborative Environment for Formalizing Privacy Policies in Health Care, Andras Nadas, 9, October, 2013
- Pick Your Poison: Pricing and Inventories at Unlicensed Online Pharmacies, Nektarios Leontiadis, Tyler Moore, Nicolas Christin, Proceedings ACM Electronic Commerce 2013, 621-638, June, 2013
- Traveling the Silk Road: A measurement analysis of a large anonymous online marketplace, Nicolas Christin, Proceedings of WWW 2013, May, 2013
- Beware the Middleman: Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange Risk, Tyler Moore, Nicolas Christin, Proceedings of Financial Cryptography 2013, April, 2013
Found 24 publications.
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