Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

When a Good Reputation isn't Good Enough
Jonathan Traupman

Jonathan Traupman. "When a Good Reputation isn't Good Enough". Talk or presentation, 19, October, 2006.

We propose a game theoretic model for the trading and feedback process in peer-to-peer marketplaces. Using this model, we construct an evolutionary marketplace simulator, which we use to investigate the effectiveness of reputation systems. Our experiments show that under the right circumstances, a reputation system is sufficient for encouraging cooperation among a pool of self-interested agents. However, we also show that features of existing reputation systems, namely allowing users to retaliate for negative feedback, drastically undermine reputation system effectiveness.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jonathan Traupman. <a
    ><i>When a Good Reputation isn't Good
    Enough</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  19,
    October, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Jonathan Traupman. "When a Good Reputation isn't Good
    Enough". Talk or presentation,  19, October, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jonathan Traupman},
        title = {When a Good Reputation isn't Good Enough},
        day = {19},
        month = {October},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {We propose a game theoretic model for the trading
                  and feedback process in peer-to-peer marketplaces.
                  Using this model, we construct an evolutionary
                  marketplace simulator, which we use to investigate
                  the effectiveness of reputation systems. Our
                  experiments show that under the right
                  circumstances, a reputation system is sufficient
                  for encouraging cooperation among a pool of
                  self-interested agents. However, we also show that
                  features of existing reputation systems, namely
                  allowing users to retaliate for negative feedback,
                  drastically undermine reputation system
        URL = {}

Posted by Alvaro Cardenas on 26 Oct 2006.
Groups: trustseminar
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