Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Node-Density Independent Localization
B. Kusy, G.. Balogh, P. Volgyesi, J. Sallai, A. Nadas, A. Ledeczi, M. Maroti, L. Meertens

B. Kusy, G.. Balogh, P. Volgyesi, J. Sallai, A. Nadas, A. Ledeczi, M. Maroti, L. Meertens. "Node-Density Independent Localization". Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 06) SPOTS Track, April, 2006.

This paper presents an enhanced version of a novel radio interferometric positioning technique for node localization in wireless sensor networks that provides both high accuracy and long range simultaneously. The ranging method utilizes two transmitters emitting radio signals at almost the same frequencies. The relative location is estimated by measuring the relative phase offset of the generated interference signal at two receivers. Here, we analyze how the selection of carrier frequencies affects the precision and maximum range. Furthermore, we describe how the interplay of RF multipath and ground reflections degrades the ranging accuracy. To address these problems, we introduce a technique that continuously refines the range estimates as it converges to the localization solution. Finally, we present the results of a field experiment where our prototype achieved 4~cm average localization accuracy for a quasi-random deployment of 16 COTS motes covering the area of two football fields. The maximum range measured was 170~m, four times the observed communication range. Consequently, node deployment density is no longer constrained by the localization technique, but rather by the communication range.

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  • HTML
    B. Kusy, G.. Balogh, P. Volgyesi, J. Sallai, A. Nadas, A.
    Ledeczi, M. Maroti, L. Meertens. <a
    >Node-Density Independent Localization</a>,
    Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 06) SPOTS
    Track, April, 2006.
  • Plain text
    B. Kusy, G.. Balogh, P. Volgyesi, J. Sallai, A. Nadas, A.
    Ledeczi, M. Maroti, L. Meertens. "Node-Density
    Independent Localization". Information Processing in
    Sensor Networks (IPSN 06) SPOTS Track, April, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {B. Kusy and G.. Balogh and P. Volgyesi and J.
                  Sallai and A. Nadas and A. Ledeczi and M. Maroti
                  and L. Meertens},
        title = {Node-Density Independent Localization},
        booktitle = {Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN
                  06) SPOTS Track},
        month = {April},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {This paper presents an enhanced version of a novel
                  radio interferometric positioning technique for
                  node localization in wireless sensor networks that
                  provides both high accuracy and long range
                  simultaneously. The ranging method utilizes two
                  transmitters emitting radio signals at almost the
                  same frequencies. The relative location is
                  estimated by measuring the relative phase offset
                  of the generated interference signal at two
                  receivers. Here, we analyze how the selection of
                  carrier frequencies affects the precision and
                  maximum range. Furthermore, we describe how the
                  interplay of RF multipath and ground reflections
                  degrades the ranging accuracy. To address these
                  problems, we introduce a technique that
                  continuously refines the range estimates as it
                  converges to the localization solution. Finally,
                  we present the results of a field experiment where
                  our prototype achieved 4~cm average localization
                  accuracy for a quasi-random deployment of 16 COTS
                  motes covering the area of two football fields.
                  The maximum range measured was 170~m, four times
                  the observed communication range. Consequently,
                  node deployment density is no longer constrained
                  by the localization technique, but rather by the
                  communication range.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Brano Kusy on 7 Dec 2006.
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