Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Experiences with Countering Internet Attacks
Vern Paxson

Vern Paxson. "Experiences with Countering Internet Attacks". Talk or presentation, 6, December, 2006.

Since the 1990s Internet attacks have seen a great deal of growth in both sophistication and automation. Today, the severity and pace of innovation of attacks threatens to increase much further, as the perpetrators find ways to commercialize their activities and create economic markets in which to conduct them. This talk draws upon experiences from a decade of conducting network security research in a hands-on operational setting at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. I will frame the range of real-world constraints that shape the efforts, the deep problem of "evasion", and the successes and challenges of tackling the threat posed by the large-scale compromise of Internet hosts due to automated malware such as worms and botnets.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Vern Paxson. <a
    ><i>Experiences with Countering Internet
    Attacks</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  6,
    December, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Vern Paxson. "Experiences with Countering Internet
    Attacks". Talk or presentation,  6, December, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vern Paxson},
        title = {Experiences with Countering Internet Attacks},
        day = {6},
        month = {December},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {Since the 1990s Internet attacks have seen a great
                  deal of growth in both sophistication and
                  automation. Today, the severity and pace of
                  innovation of attacks threatens to increase much
                  further, as the perpetrators find ways to
                  commercialize their activities and create economic
                  markets in which to conduct them. This talk draws
                  upon experiences from a decade of conducting
                  network security research in a hands-on
                  operational setting at the Lawrence Berkeley
                  National Laboratory. I will frame the range of
                  real-world constraints that shape the efforts, the
                  deep problem of "evasion", and the successes and
                  challenges of tackling the threat posed by the
                  large-scale compromise of Internet hosts due to
                  automated malware such as worms and botnets.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Alvaro Cardenas on 11 Dec 2006.
Groups: trustseminar
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