Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Meridian: A Lightweight Network Location Service without Virtual Coordinates
Bernard Wong, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Emin Gun Sirer

Bernard Wong, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Emin Gun Sirer. "Meridian: A Lightweight Network Location Service without Virtual Coordinates". Proceedings of The ACM SIGCOMM Conference, The ACM SIGCOMM Conference, August, 2005.

This paper introduces a lightweight, scalable and accurate framework, called Meridian, for performing node selection based on network location. The framework consists of an overlay network structured around multi-resolution rings, query routing with direct measurements, and gossip protocols for dissemination. We show how this framework can be used to address three commonly encountered problems, namely, closest node discovery, central leader election, and locating nodes that satisfy target latency constraints in largescale distributed systems without having to compute absolute coordinates. We show analytically that the framework is scalable with logarithmic convergence when Internet latencies are modeled as a growth-constrained metric, a low-dimensional Euclidean metric, or a metric of low doubling dimension. Large scale simulations, based on latency measurements from 6.25 million node-pairs as well as an implementation deployed on PlanetLab show that the framework is accurate and effective.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Bernard Wong, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Emin Gun Sirer. <a
    >Meridian: A Lightweight Network Location Service without
    Virtual Coordinates</a>, Proceedings of The ACM
    SIGCOMM Conference, The ACM SIGCOMM Conference, August, 2005.
  • Plain text
    Bernard Wong, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Emin Gun Sirer.
    "Meridian: A Lightweight Network Location Service
    without Virtual Coordinates". Proceedings of The ACM
    SIGCOMM Conference, The ACM SIGCOMM Conference, August, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Bernard Wong and Aleksandrs Slivkins and Emin Gun
        title = {Meridian: A Lightweight Network Location Service
                  without Virtual Coordinates},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of The ACM SIGCOMM Conference},
        organization = {The ACM SIGCOMM Conference},
        month = {August},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {This paper introduces a lightweight, scalable and
                  accurate framework, called Meridian, for
                  performing node selection based on network
                  location. The framework consists of an overlay
                  network structured around multi-resolution rings,
                  query routing with direct measurements, and gossip
                  protocols for dissemination. We show how this
                  framework can be used to address three commonly
                  encountered problems, namely, closest node
                  discovery, central leader election, and locating
                  nodes that satisfy target latency constraints in
                  largescale distributed systems without having to
                  compute absolute coordinates. We show analytically
                  that the framework is scalable with logarithmic
                  convergence when Internet latencies are modeled as
                  a growth-constrained metric, a low-dimensional
                  Euclidean metric, or a metric of low doubling
                  dimension. Large scale simulations, based on
                  latency measurements from 6.25 million node-pairs
                  as well as an implementation deployed on PlanetLab
                  show that the framework is accurate and effective.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Kelly Patwell on 13 Feb 2007.
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