Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Digital Rights Management for Video Sensor Network
Taojun Wu, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Yi Cui

Taojun Wu, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Yi Cui. "Digital Rights Management for Video Sensor Network". Proceedings of ISM 2006, IEEE, December, 2006.

Video sensor network is evolving from an isolated system to an integral component of the global information infrastructure. In this paper, we argue that when video sensor network becomes a public information source on the Internet, DRM (Digital Rights Management) must be enforced, due to the sensitivity and the privacy natures of sensor content. Moreover, existing DRM solutions do not suffice because the explicit one-to-one mapping between content producer and consumer does not apply in the sensor network domain. We propose a DRM-enabled content service architecture for video sensor network. Within this architecture, we propose a binary-tree-based hierarchical key generation scheme for data encryption, and adopt a label-guided watermarking strategy to address the unique challenges of video sensor content. We present the evaluation results of our solution based on a preliminary video sensor testbed system.

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  • HTML
    Taojun Wu, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Yi Cui. <a
    >Digital Rights Management for Video Sensor
    Network</a>, Proceedings of ISM 2006, IEEE, December,
  • Plain text
    Taojun Wu, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Yi Cui. "Digital Rights
    Management for Video Sensor Network". Proceedings of
    ISM 2006, IEEE, December, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Taojun Wu and Liang Dai and Yuan Xue and Yi Cui},
        title = {Digital Rights Management for Video Sensor Network},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of ISM 2006},
        organization = {IEEE},
        month = {December},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {Video sensor network is evolving from an isolated
                  system to an integral component of the global
                  information infrastructure. In this paper, we
                  argue that when video sensor network becomes a
                  public information source on the Internet, DRM
                  (Digital Rights Management) must be enforced, due
                  to the sensitivity and the privacy natures of
                  sensor content. Moreover, existing DRM solutions
                  do not suffice because the explicit one-to-one
                  mapping between content producer and consumer does
                  not apply in the sensor network domain. We propose
                  a DRM-enabled content service architecture for
                  video sensor network. Within this architecture, we
                  propose a binary-tree-based hierarchical key
                  generation scheme for data encryption, and adopt a
                  label-guided watermarking strategy to address the
                  unique challenges of video sensor content. We
                  present the evaluation results of our solution
                  based on a preliminary video sensor testbed system.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Taojun Wu on 17 Feb 2007.
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