Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Using Social Network Theory Towards Development Of Wireless Ad hoc Network Trust
Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry

Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry. "Using Social Network Theory Towards Development Of Wireless Ad hoc Network Trust". Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, June, 2007.

The evolution and existence of stable trust relations have been studied extensively in the context of social theory. However, reputation systems or trust schemes have only been recently used in the domain of wireless ad hoc networks. It has been shown that these schemes provide positive results as a self-policing mechanism for the routing of data in wireless ad hoc network security. This paper develops a relationship between the trust concepts in the social network theory and wireless ad hoc networks. In addition, the paper maps existing trust schemes in wireless ad hoc networks to a long-standing theory in social networks. Most importantly, a refined model of trust evaluation in social networks is constructed and mapped to a new trust scheme for ad hoc networks. The new trust scheme is analyzed and shown to outperform existing schemes using scenario and simulation analysis.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry.
    <a href=""
    >Using Social Network Theory Towards Development Of
    Wireless Ad hoc Network Trust</a>, Proceedings of the
    IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information
    Networking and Applications, June, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry.
    "Using Social Network Theory Towards Development Of
    Wireless Ad hoc Network Trust". Proceedings of the IEEE
    21st International Conference on Advanced Information
    Networking and Applications, June, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Sameer Pai and Tanya Roosta and Stephen Wicker and
                  Shankar Sastry},
        title = {Using Social Network Theory Towards Development Of
                  Wireless Ad hoc Network Trust},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International
                  Conference on Advanced Information Networking and
        month = {June},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {The evolution and existence of stable trust
                  relations have been studied extensively in the
                  context of social theory. However, reputation
                  systems or trust schemes have only been recently
                  used in the domain of wireless ad hoc networks. It
                  has been shown that these schemes provide positive
                  results as a self-policing mechanism for the
                  routing of data in wireless ad hoc network
                  security. This paper develops a relationship
                  between the trust concepts in the social network
                  theory and wireless ad hoc networks. In addition,
                  the paper maps existing trust schemes in wireless
                  ad hoc networks to a long-standing theory in
                  social networks. Most importantly, a refined model
                  of trust evaluation in social networks is
                  constructed and mapped to a new trust scheme for
                  ad hoc networks. The new trust scheme is analyzed
                  and shown to outperform existing schemes using
                  scenario and simulation analysis.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Sameer Pai on 19 Mar 2007.
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