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Time Synchronization Attacks in Sensor Networks
Tanya Roosta, Mike Manzo, Shankar Sastry

Tanya Roosta, Mike Manzo, Shankar Sastry. "Time Synchronization Attacks in Sensor Networks". Poovendran, Wang, Roy (eds.), 30, Springer, 2007.

In this chapter, we review time synchronization attacks in wireless sensor networks. We will first consider three of the main time synchronization protocols in sensor network in sections. In section we discuss applications of time synchronization in sensor networks. In section we analyze possible security attacks on the existing time synchronization protocols. In section we examine how different sensor network applications are affected by time synchronization attacks. Finally in section we propose possible countermeasures to secure the time synchronization protocols.

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  • HTML
    Tanya Roosta, Mike Manzo, Shankar Sastry. <a
    ><i>Time Synchronization Attacks in Sensor
    Networks</i></a>, Poovendran, Wang, Roy (eds.),
    30, Springer, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Tanya Roosta, Mike Manzo, Shankar Sastry. "Time
    Synchronization Attacks in Sensor Networks".
    Poovendran, Wang, Roy (eds.), 30, Springer, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Tanya Roosta and Mike Manzo and Shankar Sastry},
        editor = {Poovendran, Wang, Roy},
        title = {Time Synchronization Attacks in Sensor Networks},
        volume = {30},
        publisher = {Springer},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {In this chapter, we review time synchronization
                  attacks in wireless sensor networks. We will first
                  consider three of the main time synchronization
                  protocols in sensor network in sections. In
                  section we discuss applications of time
                  synchronization in sensor networks. In section we
                  analyze possible security attacks on the existing
                  time synchronization protocols. In section we
                  examine how different sensor network applications
                  are affected by time synchronization attacks.
                  Finally in section we propose possible
                  countermeasures to secure the time synchronization
        URL = {}

Posted by Tanya Roosta on 22 Mar 2007.
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