Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

P3P Privacy Enhancing Agent
Mark Stamp, Hsu Hui Lee

Mark Stamp, Hsu Hui Lee. "P3P Privacy Enhancing Agent". 2006 ACM Workshop on Secure Web Services, ACM, 109, November, 2006.

Protecting personal privacy information is an inherently difficult problem. Privacy enhancing agents are software agents that help web users to protect their private information by collecting web site P3P [1] information and exchanging knowledge of web site privacy practices with other agents. Based on the information collected, the software agents begin the decision-making and negotiation process. A suggestion or warning is presented to the user if any discrepancy is detected [4]. In this paper, we outline our design for a P3P privacy enhancing agent (PEA).

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  • HTML
    Mark Stamp, Hsu Hui Lee. <a
    >P3P Privacy Enhancing Agent</a>, 2006 ACM Workshop
    on Secure Web Services, ACM, 109, November, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Mark Stamp, Hsu Hui Lee. "P3P Privacy Enhancing
    Agent". 2006 ACM Workshop on Secure Web Services, ACM,
    109, November, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Mark Stamp and Hsu Hui Lee},
        title = {P3P Privacy Enhancing Agent},
        booktitle = {2006 ACM Workshop on Secure Web Services},
        organization = {ACM},
        pages = {109},
        month = {November},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {Protecting personal privacy information is an
                  inherently difficult problem. Privacy enhancing
                  agents are software agents that help web users to
                  protect their private information by collecting
                  web site P3P [1] information and exchanging
                  knowledge of web site privacy practices with other
                  agents. Based on the information collected, the
                  software agents begin the decision-making and
                  negotiation process. A suggestion or warning is
                  presented to the user if any discrepancy is
                  detected [4]. In this paper, we outline our design
                  for a P3P privacy enhancing agent (PEA).},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mark Stamp on 23 Mar 2007.
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