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Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in Graphical Models
Jason K. Johnson, Dmitry Malioutov, Alan S. Willsky

Jason K. Johnson, Dmitry Malioutov, Alan S. Willsky. "Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in Graphical Models". 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, September, 2007.

We develop a general framework for MAP estimation in discrete and Gaussian graphical models using Lagrangian relaxation techniques. The key idea is to reformulate an intractable estimation problem as one defined on a more tractable graph, but subject to additional constraints. Relaxing these constraints gives a tractable dual problem, one defined by a thin graph, which is then optimized by an iterative procedure. When this iterative optimization leads to a consistent estimate, one which also satisfies the constraints, then it corresponds to an optimal MAP estimate of the original model. Otherwise there is a ``duality gap'', and we obtain a bound on the optimal solution. Thus, our approach combines convex optimization with dynamic programming techniques applicable for thin graphs. The popular tree-reweighted max-product (TRMP) method may be seen as solving a particular class of such relaxations, where the intractable graph is relaxed to a set of spanning trees. We also consider relaxations to a set of small induced subgraphs, thin subgraphs (e.g. loops), and a connected tree obtained by ``unwinding'' cycles. In addition, we propose a new class of multiscale relaxations that introduce ``summary'' variables. The potential benefits of such generalizations include: reducing or eliminating the ``duality gap'' in hard problems, reducing the number or Lagrange multipliers in the dual problem, and accelerating convergence of the iterative optimization.

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  • HTML
    Jason K. Johnson, Dmitry Malioutov, Alan S. Willsky. <a
    >Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in Graphical
    Models</a>, 45th Annual Allerton Conference on
    Communication, Control and Computing, September, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Jason K. Johnson, Dmitry Malioutov, Alan S. Willsky.
    "Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in Graphical
    Models". 45th Annual Allerton Conference on
    Communication, Control and Computing, September, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jason K. Johnson and Dmitry Malioutov and Alan S.
        title = {Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in
                  Graphical Models},
        booktitle = {45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,
                  Control and Computing},
        month = {September},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {We develop a general framework for MAP estimation
                  in discrete and Gaussian graphical models using
                  Lagrangian relaxation techniques. The key idea is
                  to reformulate an intractable estimation problem
                  as one defined on a more tractable graph, but
                  subject to additional constraints. Relaxing these
                  constraints gives a tractable dual problem, one
                  defined by a thin graph, which is then optimized
                  by an iterative procedure. When this iterative
                  optimization leads to a consistent estimate, one
                  which also satisfies the constraints, then it
                  corresponds to an optimal MAP estimate of the
                  original model. Otherwise there is a ``duality
                  gap'', and we obtain a bound on the optimal
                  solution. Thus, our approach combines convex
                  optimization with dynamic programming techniques
                  applicable for thin graphs. The popular
                  tree-reweighted max-product (TRMP) method may be
                  seen as solving a particular class of such
                  relaxations, where the intractable graph is
                  relaxed to a set of spanning trees. We also
                  consider relaxations to a set of small induced
                  subgraphs, thin subgraphs (e.g. loops), and a
                  connected tree obtained by ``unwinding'' cycles.
                  In addition, we propose a new class of multiscale
                  relaxations that introduce ``summary'' variables.
                  The potential benefits of such generalizations
                  include: reducing or eliminating the ``duality
                  gap'' in hard problems, reducing the number or
                  Lagrange multipliers in the dual problem, and
                  accelerating convergence of the iterative
        URL = {}

Posted by Jason K. Johnson on 19 Jul 2007.
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