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Dynamic Dependency Tests: Analysis and Applications to Multi-modal Data Association
Michael Siracusa, John Fisher

Michael Siracusa, John Fisher. "Dynamic Dependency Tests: Analysis and Applications to Multi-modal Data Association". Eleventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics', March, 2007.

The goal of a dynamic dependency test is to correctly label the interaction of multiple observed data streams and to describe how this interaction evolves over time. To this end, we propose the use of a hidden factorization Markov model (HFactMM) in which a hidden state indexes into a finite set of possible dependence structures on observations. We show that a dynamic dependency test using an HFactMM takes advantage of both structural and parametric changes associated with changes in interaction. This is contrasted both theoretically and empirically with standard sliding window based dependence analysis. Using this model we obtain state-of-the-art performance on an audio-visual association task without the benefit of labeled training data.

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  • HTML
    Michael Siracusa, John Fisher. <a
    >Dynamic Dependency Tests: Analysis and Applications to
    Multi-modal Data Association</a>, Eleventh
    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
    Statistics', March, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Michael Siracusa, John Fisher. "Dynamic Dependency
    Tests: Analysis and Applications to Multi-modal Data
    Association". Eleventh International Conference on
    Artificial Intelligence and Statistics', March, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Michael Siracusa and John Fisher},
        title = {Dynamic Dependency Tests: Analysis and
                  Applications to Multi-modal Data Association},
        booktitle = {Eleventh International Conference on Artificial
                  Intelligence and Statistics'},
        month = {March},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {The goal of a dynamic dependency test is to
                  correctly label the interaction of multiple
                  observed data streams and to describe how this
                  interaction evolves over time. To this end, we
                  propose the use of a hidden factorization Markov
                  model (HFactMM) in which a hidden state indexes
                  into a finite set of possible dependence
                  structures on observations. We show that a dynamic
                  dependency test using an HFactMM takes advantage
                  of both structural and parametric changes
                  associated with changes in interaction. This is
                  contrasted both theoretically and empirically with
                  standard sliding window based dependence analysis.
                  Using this model we obtain state-of-the-art
                  performance on an audio-visual association task
                  without the benefit of labeled training data.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Michael Siracusa on 24 Jul 2007.
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