Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Respectful cameras: detecting visual markers in real-time to address privacy concerns
Jeremy Schiff, Marci Meingast, Deirdre Mulligan, Shankar Sastry, Ken Goldberg

Jeremy Schiff, Marci Meingast, Deirdre Mulligan, Shankar Sastry, Ken Goldberg. " Respectful cameras: detecting visual markers in real-time to address privacy concerns". Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007. IROS 2007. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, 971-978, October, 2007.

To address privacy concerns with digital video surveillance cameras, we propose a practical, real-time approach that preserves the ability to observe actions while obscuring individual identities. In our proposed Respectful Cameras system, people who wish to remain anonymous agree to wear colored markers such as a hat or vest. The system automatically tracks these markers using statistical learning and classification to infer the location and size of each face and then inserts elliptical overlays. Our objective is to obscure the face of each individual wearing a marker, while minimizing the overlay area in order to maximize the remaining observable region of the scene. Our approach incorporates a visual color-tracker based on a 9 dimensional color-space by using a Probabilistic AdaBoost classifier with axis-aligned hyperplanes as weak-learners. We then use Particle Filtering to incorporate interframe temporal information. We present experiments illustrating the performance of our system in both indoor and outdoor settings, where occlusions, multiple crossing targets, and lighting changes occur. Results suggest that the Respectful Camera system can reduce false negative rates to acceptable levels (under 2%).

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jeremy Schiff, Marci Meingast, Deirdre Mulligan, Shankar
    Sastry, Ken Goldberg. <a
    Respectful cameras: detecting visual markers in real-time to
    address privacy concerns</a>, Intelligent Robots and
    Systems, 2007. IROS 2007. IEEE/RSJ International Conference
    on, 971-978, October, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Jeremy Schiff, Marci Meingast, Deirdre Mulligan, Shankar
    Sastry, Ken Goldberg. " Respectful cameras: detecting
    visual markers in real-time to address privacy
    concerns". Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007. IROS
    2007. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, 971-978,
    October, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jeremy Schiff and Marci Meingast and Deirdre
                  Mulligan and Shankar Sastry and Ken Goldberg},
        title = { Respectful cameras: detecting visual markers in
                  real-time to address privacy concerns},
        booktitle = {Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007. IROS 2007.
                  IEEE/RSJ International Conference on},
        pages = {971-978},
        month = {October},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {To address privacy concerns with digital video
                  surveillance cameras, we propose a practical,
                  real-time approach that preserves the ability to
                  observe actions while obscuring individual
                  identities. In our proposed Respectful Cameras
                  system, people who wish to remain anonymous agree
                  to wear colored markers such as a hat or vest. The
                  system automatically tracks these markers using
                  statistical learning and classification to infer
                  the location and size of each face and then
                  inserts elliptical overlays. Our objective is to
                  obscure the face of each individual wearing a
                  marker, while minimizing the overlay area in order
                  to maximize the remaining observable region of the
                  scene. Our approach incorporates a visual
                  color-tracker based on a 9 dimensional color-space
                  by using a Probabilistic AdaBoost classifier with
                  axis-aligned hyperplanes as weak-learners. We then
                  use Particle Filtering to incorporate interframe
                  temporal information. We present experiments
                  illustrating the performance of our system in both
                  indoor and outdoor settings, where occlusions,
                  multiple crossing targets, and lighting changes
                  occur. Results suggest that the Respectful Camera
                  system can reduce false negative rates to
                  acceptable levels (under 2%).},
        URL = {}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 29 Feb 2008.
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