Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Game Theoretic Modeling of Trust in Networks of Bayesian-Learning Sensors
Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry

Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry. "Game Theoretic Modeling of Trust in Networks of Bayesian-Learning Sensors". Unpublished article, 2008.

The application of mathematical analysis to the study of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks has met with limited success due to the complexity of mobility, trafc models, the dynamic topology, and the unpredictability of wireless link quality that characterize such networks. The ability to model individual, independent decision makers whose actions can potentially affect all other decision makers makes game theory and especially the repeated game framework particularly attractive to analyze the performance of sensor networks. In this paper, we describe how various interactions in wireless sensor networks can be modeled as a Iterated Heterogeneous Trust Game (IHTG) [5]. We borrow from the work done on modeling trust in social networks as a game, and adapt the framework to the case of sensor networks. This allows the analysis of trust schemes in these networks, as well as the design of equilibrium-inducing mechanisms that provide incentives for individual nodes to behave in constructive ways.

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  • HTML
    Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry.
    <a href=""
    ><i>Game Theoretic Modeling of Trust in Networks of
    Bayesian-Learning Sensors</i></a>, Unpublished
    article,  2008.
  • Plain text
    Sameer Pai, Tanya Roosta, Stephen Wicker, Shankar Sastry.
    "Game Theoretic Modeling of Trust in Networks of
    Bayesian-Learning Sensors". Unpublished article,  2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Sameer Pai and Tanya Roosta and Stephen Wicker and
                  Shankar Sastry},
        title = {Game Theoretic Modeling of Trust in Networks of
                  Bayesian-Learning Sensors},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {The application of mathematical analysis to the
                  study of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks has
                  met with limited success due to the complexity of
                  mobility, trafc models, the dynamic topology, and
                  the unpredictability of wireless link quality that
                  characterize such networks. The ability to model
                  individual, independent decision makers whose
                  actions can potentially affect all other decision
                  makers makes game theory and especially the
                  repeated game framework particularly attractive to
                  analyze the performance of sensor networks. In
                  this paper, we describe how various interactions
                  in wireless sensor networks can be modeled as a
                  Iterated Heterogeneous Trust Game (IHTG) [5]. We
                  borrow from the work done on modeling trust in
                  social networks as a game, and adapt the framework
                  to the case of sensor networks. This allows the
                  analysis of trust schemes in these networks, as
                  well as the design of equilibrium-inducing
                  mechanisms that provide incentives for individual
                  nodes to behave in constructive ways.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Sameer Pai on 31 Mar 2008.
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