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A Combined Localization and Geographic Routing Algorithm for Rapidly-Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks
Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker

Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker. "A Combined Localization and Geographic Routing Algorithm for Rapidly-Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks". International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 4(1):44-63, 2008.

We consider a network of randomly-deployed, low-cost sensors and a single powerful sink node. A partition-based localization algorithm is proposed in which the sink node imparts sector-based location information through the phased-array transmission of a series of beacons. One-hop neighbor information is used by each sensor in a series of sector-partitioning routines to identify the sub-sector in which it resides. A geographic routing algorithm is then proposed which uses the sector-based localization results as the basis for a routing algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the performance of our localization algorithm improves with node density, and that the performance of the combined localization and routing algorithm in the presence of severe measurement noise is comparable with that provided by the same routing algorithm using perfect location information.

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  • HTML
    Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker. <a
    href="" >A
    Combined Localization and Geographic Routing Algorithm for
    Rapidly-Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks</a>,
    <i>International Journal of Distributed Sensor
    Networks</i>, 4(1):44-63,  2008.
  • Plain text
    Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker. "A Combined Localization and
    Geographic Routing Algorithm for Rapidly-Deployed Wireless
    Sensor Networks". <i>International Journal of
    Distributed Sensor Networks</i>, 4(1):44-63,  2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Hui Qu and Stephen Wicker},
        title = {A Combined Localization and Geographic Routing
                  Algorithm for Rapidly-Deployed Wireless Sensor
        journal = {International Journal of Distributed Sensor
        volume = {4},
        number = {1},
        pages = {44-63},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {We consider a network of randomly-deployed,
                  low-cost sensors and a single powerful sink node.
                  A partition-based localization algorithm is
                  proposed in which the sink node imparts
                  sector-based location information through the
                  phased-array transmission of a series of beacons.
                  One-hop neighbor information is used by each
                  sensor in a series of sector-partitioning routines
                  to identify the sub-sector in which it resides. A
                  geographic routing algorithm is then proposed
                  which uses the sector-based localization results
                  as the basis for a routing algorithm. Simulation
                  results indicate that the performance of our
                  localization algorithm improves with node density,
                  and that the performance of the combined
                  localization and routing algorithm in the presence
                  of severe measurement noise is comparable with
                  that provided by the same routing algorithm using
                  perfect location information. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Hui Qu, Ph.D on 2 Apr 2008.
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