Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Co-designed anchor-free localization and location-based routing algorithm for rapidly-deployed wireless sensor networks
Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker

Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker. "Co-designed anchor-free localization and location-based routing algorithm for rapidly-deployed wireless sensor networks". Information Fusion, 2008.

We consider a wireless sensor network consisting of a single sink node at the center of a field of randomly distributed sensors. A simple anchor-free localization algorithm is proposed, in which the sink node imparts radial location information through the phased-array transmission of a series of beacons. Each individual sensor uses the knowledge of received beacons as well as information from neighbors to continue partitioning current sectors and identifying sub-sectors in which it resides until an accuracy requirement is satisfied. An energy-preserving routing algorithm is then proposed which uses the localization results as the basis for selecting relay nodes. We present the localization algorithm, analyze its partition errors as well as its impact on communication energy consumption, and then present the location-based routing algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the performance of our co-designed localization and routing algorithm in the presence of severe noise is as good as that provided by a shortest-path routing algorithm under ideal assumptions; therefore, our co-designing approach can achieve high performance with lightweight algorithms.

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  • HTML
    Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker. <a
    >Co-designed anchor-free localization and location-based
    routing algorithm for rapidly-deployed wireless sensor
    networks</a>, <i>Information Fusion</i>, 
  • Plain text
    Hui Qu, Stephen Wicker. "Co-designed anchor-free
    localization and location-based routing algorithm for
    rapidly-deployed wireless sensor networks".
    <i>Information Fusion</i>,  2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Hui Qu and Stephen Wicker},
        title = {Co-designed anchor-free localization and
                  location-based routing algorithm for
                  rapidly-deployed wireless sensor networks},
        journal = {Information Fusion},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {We consider a wireless sensor network consisting
                  of a single sink node at the center of a field of
                  randomly distributed sensors. A simple anchor-free
                  localization algorithm is proposed, in which the
                  sink node imparts radial location information
                  through the phased-array transmission of a series
                  of beacons. Each individual sensor uses the
                  knowledge of received beacons as well as
                  information from neighbors to continue
                  partitioning current sectors and identifying
                  sub-sectors in which it resides until an accuracy
                  requirement is satisfied. An energy-preserving
                  routing algorithm is then proposed which uses the
                  localization results as the basis for selecting
                  relay nodes. We present the localization
                  algorithm, analyze its partition errors as well as
                  its impact on communication energy consumption,
                  and then present the location-based routing
                  algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the
                  performance of our co-designed localization and
                  routing algorithm in the presence of severe noise
                  is as good as that provided by a shortest-path
                  routing algorithm under ideal assumptions;
                  therefore, our co-designing approach can achieve
                  high performance with lightweight algorithms. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Hui Qu, Ph.D on 2 Apr 2008.
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