Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Low-cost Manufacturing, Usability, and Security: An Analysis of Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected Setup
Cynthia Kuo, Adrian Perrig, Jesse Walker

Cynthia Kuo, Adrian Perrig, Jesse Walker. "Low-cost Manufacturing, Usability, and Security: An Analysis of Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected Setup". Usable Security (USEC), February, 2007.

Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected Setup specify mechanisms for exchanging authentication credentials in wireless networks. Both Simple Pairing and Protected Setup support multiple setup mechanisms, which increases security risks and hurts the user experience. To improve the security and usability of these specifications, we suggest defining a common baseline for hardware features and a consistent, interoperable user experience across devices.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Cynthia Kuo, Adrian Perrig, Jesse Walker. <a
    >Low-cost Manufacturing, Usability, and Security: An
    Analysis of Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected
    Setup</a>, Usable Security (USEC), February, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Cynthia Kuo, Adrian Perrig, Jesse Walker. "Low-cost
    Manufacturing, Usability, and Security: An Analysis of
    Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected Setup".
    Usable Security (USEC), February, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Cynthia Kuo and Adrian Perrig and Jesse Walker},
        title = {Low-cost Manufacturing, Usability, and Security:
                  An Analysis of Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi
                  Protected Setup},
        booktitle = {Usable Security (USEC)},
        month = {February},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected Setup
                  specify mechanisms for exchanging authentication
                  credentials in wireless networks. Both Simple
                  Pairing and Protected Setup support multiple setup
                  mechanisms, which increases security risks and
                  hurts the user experience. To improve the security
                  and usability of these specifications, we suggest
                  defining a common baseline for hardware features
                  and a consistent, interoperable user experience
                  across devices.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Adrian Perrig on 2 May 2008.
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