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A New Outer Bound to the Capacity Region of Deterministic-Code Discrete Memoryless Arbitrary Varying General Broadcast Channel
Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam

Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam. "A New Outer Bound to the Capacity Region of Deterministic-Code Discrete Memoryless Arbitrary Varying General Broadcast Channel". Technical report, UC Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2008-81, June, 2008.

In this paper we apply the ``potential function method" introduced by the authors in [1] and [2] to prove a new outer bound on the capacity region of the deterministic-code arbitrarily varying general broadcast channel. Specializing by removing the variability of the channel, our outer bound gives another proof of the recent result of Liang, Kramer and Shamai, which is the currently best upper bound on the capacity region of the traditional broadcast channel [3].

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  • HTML
    Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam. <a
    ><i>A New Outer Bound to the Capacity Region of
    Deterministic-Code Discrete Memoryless Arbitrary Varying
    General Broadcast Channel</i></a>, Technical
    report,  UC Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2008-81, June, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam. "A New
    Outer Bound to the Capacity Region of Deterministic-Code
    Discrete Memoryless Arbitrary Varying General Broadcast
    Channel". Technical report,  UC Berkeley,
    UCB/EECS-2008-81, June, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Amin Aminzadeh Gohari and Venkatachalam Anantharam},
        title = {A New Outer Bound to the Capacity Region of
                  Deterministic-Code Discrete Memoryless Arbitrary
                  Varying General Broadcast Channel},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {UCB/EECS-2008-81},
        month = {June},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {In this paper we apply the ``potential function
                  method" introduced by the authors in [1] and [2]
                  to prove a new outer bound on the capacity region
                  of the deterministic-code arbitrarily varying
                  general broadcast channel. Specializing by
                  removing the variability of the channel, our outer
                  bound gives another proof of the recent result of
                  Liang, Kramer and Shamai, which is the currently
                  best upper bound on the capacity region of the
                  traditional broadcast channel [3].},
        URL = {}

Posted by Amin Aminzadeh Gohari on 10 Jun 2008.
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