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Profile hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus detection
Mark Stamp, Srilatha Attaluri, Scott McGhee

Mark Stamp, Srilatha Attaluri, Scott McGhee. "Profile hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus detection". Journal in Computer Virology, 2008.

Metamorphic computer viruses "mutate" by changing their internal structure and, consequently, different instances of the same virus may not exhibit a common signature. With the advent of construction kits, it is easy to generate metamorphic strains of a given virus. In contrast to standard hidden Markov models (HMMs), profile hidden Markov models (PHMMs) explicitly account for positional information. In principle, this positional information could yield stronger models for virus detection. However, there are many practical difficulties that arise when using PHMMs, as compared to standard HMMs. Profile hidden Markov models are widely used in bioinformatics. For example, PHMMs are the most effective tool yet developed for finding family-related DNA sequences. In this paper, we consider the utility of PHMMs for detecting metamorphic virus variants generated from virus construction kits. PHMMs are generated for each construction kit under consideration and the resulting models are used to score virus and non-virus files. Our results are encouraging, but several problems must be resolved for the technique to be truly practical.

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  • HTML
    Mark Stamp, Srilatha Attaluri, Scott McGhee. <a
    >Profile hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus
    detection</a>, <i>Journal in Computer
    Virology</i>,  2008.
  • Plain text
    Mark Stamp, Srilatha Attaluri, Scott McGhee. "Profile
    hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus detection".
    <i>Journal in Computer Virology</i>,  2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Mark Stamp and Srilatha Attaluri and Scott McGhee},
        title = {Profile hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus
        journal = {Journal in Computer Virology},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {Metamorphic computer viruses "mutate" by changing
                  their internal structure and, consequently,
                  different instances of the same virus may not
                  exhibit a common signature. With the advent of
                  construction kits, it is easy to generate
                  metamorphic strains of a given virus. In contrast
                  to standard hidden Markov models (HMMs), profile
                  hidden Markov models (PHMMs) explicitly account
                  for positional information. In principle, this
                  positional information could yield stronger models
                  for virus detection. However, there are many
                  practical difficulties that arise when using
                  PHMMs, as compared to standard HMMs. Profile
                  hidden Markov models are widely used in
                  bioinformatics. For example, PHMMs are the most
                  effective tool yet developed for finding
                  family-related DNA sequences. In this paper, we
                  consider the utility of PHMMs for detecting
                  metamorphic virus variants generated from virus
                  construction kits. PHMMs are generated for each
                  construction kit under consideration and the
                  resulting models are used to score virus and
                  non-virus files. Our results are encouraging, but
                  several problems must be resolved for the
                  technique to be truly practical.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mark Stamp on 18 Aug 2008.
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