Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

A Web-Based Wireless Mobile System Design of Security and Privacy Framework for u-Healthcare
Weider D. Yu, Sriram Mudumbi, Roopa Gummadikayala

Weider D. Yu, Sriram Mudumbi, Roopa Gummadikayala. "A Web-Based Wireless Mobile System Design of Security and Privacy Framework for u-Healthcare". Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services(HEALTHCOM), IEEE Computer Society, July, 2008.

The framework provides various layers of security and privacy controls to access the patient information. It also maintains security levels both at system level and user level to constrain any attacks on the system. Data on the mobile device also is protected from being tampered or hacked using password protections and encryption. This application framework demonstrates a multi-tiered SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) involving Mobile client, Web services, Security Agents, business logic layer, data access layer and database in secured environments. This framework uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) security assertions for exchanging the secured user identification information between the server and mobile clients.

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  • HTML
    Weider D. Yu, Sriram Mudumbi, Roopa Gummadikayala. <a
    href="" >A
    Web-Based Wireless Mobile System Design of Security and
    Privacy Framework for u-Healthcare</a>, Proceedings of
    the 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Health
    Networking, Applications and Services(HEALTHCOM), IEEE
    Computer Society, July, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Weider D. Yu, Sriram Mudumbi, Roopa Gummadikayala. "A
    Web-Based Wireless Mobile System Design of Security and
    Privacy Framework for u-Healthcare". Proceedings of the
    10th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking,
    Applications and Services(HEALTHCOM), IEEE Computer Society,
    July, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Weider D. Yu and Sriram Mudumbi and Roopa
        title = {A Web-Based Wireless Mobile System Design of
                  Security and Privacy Framework for u-Healthcare},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International
                  Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications
                  and Services(HEALTHCOM)},
        organization = {IEEE Computer Society},
        month = {July},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {The framework provides various layers of security
                  and privacy controls to access the patient
                  information. It also maintains security levels
                  both at system level and user level to constrain
                  any attacks on the system. Data on the mobile
                  device also is protected from being tampered or
                  hacked using password protections and encryption.
                  This application framework demonstrates a
                  multi-tiered SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
                  involving Mobile client, Web services, Security
                  Agents, business logic layer, data access layer
                  and database in secured environments. This
                  framework uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup
                  Language) security assertions for exchanging the
                  secured user identification information between
                  the server and mobile clients.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Weider D. Yu on 19 Aug 2008.
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