Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Reliable Distributed Systems Technologies, Web Services, and Applications
Ken Birman

Ken Birman. "Reliable Distributed Systems Technologies, Web Services, and Applications". Springer, 2006, 0-387-21509-3.

Reliable Distributed Systems reviews and describes the key concepts, principles and applications of modern distributed computing systems and architectures. This self-contained book consists of five parts. The first covers introductory material, including the basic architecture of the Internet, simple protocols such as RPC and TCP, object oriented architectures, operating systems enhance-ments for high performance, and reliability issues. The second covers the Web, with a focus on Web Services technologies, Microsoft’s .NET and the Java Enterprise Edition. The last three parts look at a number of reliability and fault-tolerance issues and techniques, with an emphasis on replication applied in Web Services settings.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Ken Birman. <a
    ><i>Reliable Distributed Systems Technologies, Web
    Services, and Applications</i></a>, Springer,
    2006,  0-387-21509-3.
  • Plain text
    Ken Birman. "Reliable Distributed Systems Technologies,
    Web Services, and Applications". Springer, 2006, 
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ken Birman},
        title = {Reliable Distributed Systems Technologies, Web
                  Services, and Applications},
        publisher = {Springer},
        year = {2006},
        isbn = { 0-387-21509-3},
        abstract = {Reliable Distributed Systems reviews and describes
                  the key concepts, principles and applications of
                  modern distributed computing systems and
                  architectures. This self-contained book consists
                  of five parts. The first covers introductory
                  material, including the basic architecture of the
                  Internet, simple protocols such as RPC and TCP,
                  object oriented architectures, operating systems
                  enhance-ments for high performance, and
                  reliability issues. The second covers the Web,
                  with a focus on Web Services technologies,
                  Microsoft’s .NET and the Java Enterprise Edition.
                  The last three parts look at a number of
                  reliability and fault-tolerance issues and
                  techniques, with an emphasis on replication
                  applied in Web Services settings. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Bill Hogan on 5 Apr 2006.
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