Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

An Outer Bound to the Admissible Source Region of Discrete Memoryless Arbitrarily Varying General Broadcast Channels
Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam

Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam. "An Outer Bound to the Admissible Source Region of Discrete Memoryless Arbitrarily Varying General Broadcast Channels". ``Proceedings of the 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing", Urbana, Illinois, September 23 -26, 2008, 2008.

In this paper we apply the ``potential function method" introduced by the authors in \cite{GA_SM} and \cite{GA_CM} to prove an outer bound on the admissible source region of an arbitrarily varying general broadcast channel with arbitrarily correlated sources. We are not aware of any previous work discussing any interesting outer bounds on the admissible source region of the general broadcast channel either when the sources are allowed to be arbitrarily correlated, the channel is allowed to vary arbitrarily, or both. Specializing by removing the variability of the channel and assuming independent sources, our outer bound reduces to one that is included inside the region defined by Liang, Kramer and Shamai, a recent outer bound on the capacity region of the traditional broadcast channel \cite{Liang-Kramer-Shamai}. We don't know if the inclusion is strict.

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  • HTML
    Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam. <a
    >An Outer Bound to the Admissible Source Region of
    Discrete Memoryless Arbitrarily Varying General Broadcast
    Channels</a>, ``Proceedings of the 46th Annual
    Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and
    Computing", Urbana, Illinois, September 23 -26, 2008,
  • Plain text
    Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Venkatachalam Anantharam. "An
    Outer Bound to the Admissible Source Region of Discrete
    Memoryless Arbitrarily Varying General Broadcast
    Channels". ``Proceedings of the 46th Annual Allerton
    Conference on Communications, Control and Computing",
    Urbana, Illinois, September 23 -26, 2008, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Amin Aminzadeh Gohari and Venkatachalam Anantharam},
        title = {An Outer Bound to the Admissible Source Region of
                  Discrete Memoryless Arbitrarily Varying General
                  Broadcast Channels},
        booktitle = {``Proceedings of the 46th Annual Allerton
                  Conference on Communications, Control and
                  Computing", Urbana, Illinois, September 23 -26,
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {In this paper we apply the ``potential function
                  method" introduced by the authors in \cite{GA_SM}
                  and \cite{GA_CM} to prove an outer bound on the
                  admissible source region of an arbitrarily varying
                  general broadcast channel with arbitrarily
                  correlated sources. We are not aware of any
                  previous work discussing any interesting outer
                  bounds on the admissible source region of the
                  general broadcast channel either when the sources
                  are allowed to be arbitrarily correlated, the
                  channel is allowed to vary arbitrarily, or both.
                  Specializing by removing the variability of the
                  channel and assuming independent sources, our
                  outer bound reduces to one that is included inside
                  the region defined by Liang, Kramer and Shamai, a
                  recent outer bound on the capacity region of the
                  traditional broadcast channel
                  \cite{Liang-Kramer-Shamai}. We don't know if the
                  inclusion is strict.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Amin Aminzadeh Gohari on 26 Sep 2008.
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