Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Catchconv: Symbolic execution and run-time type inference for integer conversion errors
David A Molnar, David Wagner

David A Molnar, David Wagner. "Catchconv: Symbolic execution and run-time type inference for integer conversion errors". Technical report, University of California Berkeley, 2007-23, February, 2007.

We propose an approach that combines symbolic execution and run-time type inference from a sample program run to generate test cases, and we apply our approach to signed/unsigned conversion errors in programs. A signed/unsigned conversion error occurs when a program makes control flow decisions about a value based on treating it as a signed integer, but then later converts the value to an unsigned integer in a way that breaks the program's implicit assumptions. Our tool follows the approach of Larson and Austin in using an example input to pick a program path for analysis, and we use symbolic execution to attempt synthesis of a program input exhibiting an error. We describe a proof of concept implementation that uses the Valgrind binary analysis framework and the STP decision procedure, and we report on preliminary experiences. Our implementation is available at .

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  • HTML
    David A Molnar, David Wagner. <a
    ><i>Catchconv: Symbolic execution and run-time type
    inference for integer conversion errors</i></a>,
    Technical report,  University of California Berkeley,
    2007-23, February, 2007.
  • Plain text
    David A Molnar, David Wagner. "Catchconv: Symbolic
    execution and run-time type inference for integer conversion
    errors". Technical report,  University of California
    Berkeley, 2007-23, February, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {David A Molnar and David Wagner},
        title = {Catchconv: Symbolic execution and run-time type
                  inference for integer conversion errors},
        institution = {University of California Berkeley},
        number = {2007-23},
        month = {February},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {We propose an approach that combines symbolic
                  execution and run-time type inference from a
                  sample program run to generate test cases, and we
                  apply our approach to signed/unsigned conversion
                  errors in programs. A signed/unsigned conversion
                  error occurs when a program makes control flow
                  decisions about a value based on treating it as a
                  signed integer, but then later converts the value
                  to an unsigned integer in a way that breaks the
                  program's implicit assumptions. Our tool follows
                  the approach of Larson and Austin in using an
                  example input to pick a program path for analysis,
                  and we use symbolic execution to attempt synthesis
                  of a program input exhibiting an error. We
                  describe a proof of concept implementation that
                  uses the Valgrind binary analysis framework and
                  the STP decision procedure, and we report on
                  preliminary experiences. Our implementation is
                  available at .},
        URL = {}

Posted by David A Molnar on 28 Jan 2009.
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