Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

HybrIDS: Embeddable Hybrid Intrusion Detection System
Adrian Lauf

Adrian Lauf. "HybrIDS: Embeddable Hybrid Intrusion Detection System". Master's thesis, Vanderbilt University, December, 2007.

In order to provide preventative security to a homogeneous device network, techniques in addition to static encryption must be implemented to assure network integrity by identifying possible deviant nodes within the collective. This thesis proposes a set of algorithms and techniques for an intrusion detection system, which when combined, provide a two-stage approach that seeks to reduce or eliminate training period requirements, while providing multiple anomaly detection and a degree of self tuning. By utilizing a high level of behavioral abstraction, these intrusion detection techniques can be applied to a broad range of devices, network implementations, and scenarios. Each device node is supplied with an embedded intrusion detection system which allows it to monitor inter-device requests, enabling machine learning techniques for purposes of deviant node analysis. The two principal methods, a maxima detection scheme, and a cross-correlative detection scheme, are combined to create a two-phase detection scheme that can successfully determine deviant node pervasion percentages of up to 22% within the homogeneous device network.

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  • HTML
    Adrian Lauf. <a
    ><i>HybrIDS: Embeddable Hybrid Intrusion Detection
    System</i></a>, Master's thesis,  Vanderbilt
    University, December, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Adrian Lauf. "HybrIDS: Embeddable Hybrid Intrusion
    Detection System". Master's thesis,  Vanderbilt
    University, December, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Adrian Lauf},
        title = {HybrIDS: Embeddable Hybrid Intrusion Detection
        school = {Vanderbilt University},
        month = {December},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {In order to provide preventative security to a
                  homogeneous device network, techniques in addition
                  to static encryption must be implemented to assure
                  network integrity by identifying possible deviant
                  nodes within the collective. This thesis proposes
                  a set of algorithms and techniques for an
                  intrusion detection system, which when combined,
                  provide a two-stage approach that seeks to reduce
                  or eliminate training period requirements, while
                  providing multiple anomaly detection and a degree
                  of self tuning. By utilizing a high level of
                  behavioral abstraction, these intrusion detection
                  techniques can be applied to a broad range of
                  devices, network implementations, and scenarios.
                  Each device node is supplied with an embedded
                  intrusion detection system which allows it to
                  monitor inter-device requests, enabling machine
                  learning techniques for purposes of deviant node
                  analysis. The two principal methods, a maxima
                  detection scheme, and a cross-correlative
                  detection scheme, are combined to create a
                  two-phase detection scheme that can successfully
                  determine deviant node pervasion percentages of up
                  to 22% within the homogeneous device network.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Adrian Lauf, Ph.D. on 4 Feb 2009.
Groups: trust
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