Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

• Cryptographic Methods for Storing Ballots on a Voting Machine

"• Cryptographic Methods for Storing Ballots on a Voting Machine". J. Bethencourt, D. Boneh, and B. Waters (eds.), 14th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Conference, 2007.

A direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machine must satisfy several requirements to ensure voter privacy and the integrity of the election. A recent proposal for a vote storage system due to Molnar et al. provides tamper-evidence properties while maintaining voter privacy by storing ballots on a programmable, read-only memory (PROM). We achieve the same properties and protect against additional threats of memory replacement through cryptographic techniques, without the use of special hardware. Our approach is based on a new cryptographic primitive called History-Hiding Append-Only Signatures.

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  • HTML
    ><i>•	Cryptographic Methods for
    Storing Ballots on a Voting Machine</i></a>, J.
    Bethencourt, D. Boneh, and B. Waters (eds.), 14th Annual
    Network & Distributed System Security Conference, 2007.
  • Plain text
     "•	Cryptographic Methods for Storing
    Ballots on a Voting Machine". J. Bethencourt, D. Boneh,
    and B. Waters (eds.), 14th Annual Network & Distributed
    System Security Conference, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        title = {•	Cryptographic Methods for Storing Ballots on a
                  Voting Machine},
        editor = {J. Bethencourt, D. Boneh, and B. Waters},
        organization = {14th Annual Network \& Distributed System Security
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {A direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machine
                  must satisfy several requirements to ensure voter
                  privacy and the integrity of the election. A
                  recent proposal for a vote storage system due to
                  Molnar et al. provides tamper-evidence properties
                  while maintaining voter privacy by storing ballots
                  on a programmable, read-only memory (PROM). We
                  achieve the same properties and protect against
                  additional threats of memory replacement through
                  cryptographic techniques, without the use of
                  special hardware. Our approach is based on a new
                  cryptographic primitive called History-Hiding
                  Append-Only Signatures. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Jessica Gamble on 16 Mar 2009.
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