Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

• A collusion resistant broadcast, trace and revoke system

"• A collusion resistant broadcast, trace and revoke system". D. Boneh and B. Waters (eds.), ACM CCS, 2006.

We introduce a simple primitive called Augmented Broadcast Encryption (ABE) that is sufficient for constructing broadcast encryption, traitor-tracing, and trace-and-revoke systems. These ABE-based constructions are resistant to an arbitrary number of colluders and are secure against adaptive adversaries. Furthermore, traitor tracing requires no secrets and can be done by anyone. These broadcast systems are designed for broadcasting to arbitrary sets of users. We then construct a secure ABE system for which the resulting concrete trace-and-revoke system has ciphertexts and private keys of size sqrt(N) where N is the total number of users in the system. In particular, this is the first example of a fully collusion resistant broadcast system with sub-linear size ciphertexts and private keys that is secure against adaptive adversaries. The system is publicly traceable.

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  • HTML
    ><i>•	A collusion resistant broadcast,
    trace and revoke system</i></a>,  D. Boneh and
    B. Waters (eds.), ACM CCS, 2006.
  • Plain text
     "•	A collusion resistant broadcast, trace
    and revoke system".  D. Boneh and B. Waters (eds.), ACM
    CCS, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        title = {•	A collusion resistant broadcast, trace and
                  revoke system},
        editor = { D. Boneh and B. Waters},
        organization = {ACM CCS},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {We introduce a simple primitive called Augmented
                  Broadcast Encryption (ABE) that is sufficient for
                  constructing broadcast encryption,
                  traitor-tracing, and trace-and-revoke systems.
                  These ABE-based constructions are resistant to an
                  arbitrary number of colluders and are secure
                  against adaptive adversaries. Furthermore, traitor
                  tracing requires no secrets and can be done by
                  anyone. These broadcast systems are designed for
                  broadcasting to arbitrary sets of users. We then
                  construct a secure ABE system for which the
                  resulting concrete trace-and-revoke system has
                  ciphertexts and private keys of size sqrt(N) where
                  N is the total number of users in the system. In
                  particular, this is the first example of a fully
                  collusion resistant broadcast system with
                  sub-linear size ciphertexts and private keys that
                  is secure against adaptive adversaries. The system
                  is publicly traceable. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Jessica Gamble on 16 Mar 2009.
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