Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

• Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing With Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys

"• Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing With Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys". D. Boneh, A. Sahai, and B. Waters (eds.), Eurocrypt, 2006.

We construct a fully collusion resistant tracing traitors system with sublinear size ciphertexts and constant size private keys. More precisely, let N be the total number of users. Our system generates ciphertexts of size O(sqrt(N)) and private keys of size O(1). We first introduce a simpler primitive we call private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE) and show that any PLBE gives a tracing traitors system with the same parameters. We then show how to build a PLBE system with O(sqrt(N)) size ciphertexts. Our system uses bilinear maps in groups of composite order.

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  • HTML
    ><i>•	Fully Collusion Resistant
    Traitor Tracing With Short Ciphertexts and Private
    Keys</i></a>,  D. Boneh, A. Sahai, and B. Waters
    (eds.), Eurocrypt, 2006.
  • Plain text
     "•	Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor
    Tracing With Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys".  D.
    Boneh, A. Sahai, and B. Waters (eds.), Eurocrypt, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        title = {•	Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing With
                  Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys},
        editor = { D. Boneh, A. Sahai, and B. Waters},
        organization = {Eurocrypt},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {We construct a fully collusion resistant tracing
                  traitors system with sublinear size ciphertexts
                  and constant size private keys. More precisely,
                  let N be the total number of users. Our system
                  generates ciphertexts of size O(sqrt(N)) and
                  private keys of size O(1). We first introduce a
                  simpler primitive we call private linear broadcast
                  encryption (PLBE) and show that any PLBE gives a
                  tracing traitors system with the same parameters.
                  We then show how to build a PLBE system with
                  O(sqrt(N)) size ciphertexts. Our system uses
                  bilinear maps in groups of composite order. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Jessica Gamble on 16 Mar 2009.
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