Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

An Overview of the Saturn Project
A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, P. Hawkins, B. Hackett

A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, P. Hawkins, B. Hackett. "An Overview of the Saturn Project". Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering, 43-48, June, 2007.

We present an overview of the Saturn program analysis system, including a rationale for three major design decisions: the use of function-at-a-time, or summary-based, analysis, the use of constraints, and the use of a logic programming language to express program analysis algorithms. We argue that the combination of summaries and constraints allows Saturn to achieve both great scalability and great precision, while the use of a logic programming language with constraints allows for succinct, high-level expression of program analyses.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, P. Hawkins, B.
    Hackett. <a
    >An Overview of the Saturn Project</a>, Workshop on
    Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering, 43-48,
    June, 2007.
  • Plain text
    A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, P. Hawkins, B.
    Hackett. "An Overview of the Saturn Project".
    Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and
    Engineering, 43-48, June, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {A. Aiken and S. Bugrara and I. Dillig and T.
                  Dillig and P. Hawkins and B. Hackett},
        title = {An Overview of the Saturn Project},
        booktitle = {Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools
                  and Engineering},
        pages = {43-48},
        month = {June},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {We present an overview of the Saturn program
                  analysis system, including a rationale for three
                  major design decisions: the use of
                  function-at-a-time, or summary-based, analysis,
                  the use of constraints, and the use of a logic
                  programming language to express program analysis
                  algorithms. We argue that the combination of
                  summaries and constraints allows Saturn to achieve
                  both great scalability and great precision, while
                  the use of a logic programming language with
                  constraints allows for succinct, high-level
                  expression of program analyses.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Jessica Gamble on 18 Mar 2009.
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