Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Fine-Grained Privilege Separation for Web Applications
Adrian Mettler, David Wagner, Akshay Krishnamurthy

Adrian Mettler, David Wagner, Akshay Krishnamurthy. "Fine-Grained Privilege Separation for Web Applications". World Wide Web Confererence, IW3C2, April, 2010.

We present a programming model for building web applications with security properties that can be confidently verified during a security review. In our model, applications are divided into isolated, privilege-separated components, enabling rich security policies to be enforced in a way that can be checked by reviewers. In our model, the web framework enforces privilege separation and isolation of web applications by requiring the use of an object-capability language and providing interfaces that expose limited, explicitly-specified privileges to application components. This approach restricts what each component of the application can do and quarantines buggy or compromised code. It also provides a way to more safely integrate third-party, less-trusted code into a web application. We have implemented a prototype of this model based upon the Java Servlet framework and used it to build a webmail application. Our experience with this example suggests that the approach is viable and helpful at establishing reviewable application-specific security properties.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Adrian Mettler, David Wagner, Akshay Krishnamurthy. <a
    >Fine-Grained Privilege Separation for Web
    Applications</a>, World Wide Web Confererence, IW3C2,
    April, 2010.
  • Plain text
    Adrian Mettler, David Wagner, Akshay Krishnamurthy.
    "Fine-Grained Privilege Separation for Web
    Applications". World Wide Web Confererence, IW3C2,
    April, 2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Adrian Mettler and David Wagner and Akshay
        title = {Fine-Grained Privilege Separation for Web
        booktitle = {World Wide Web Confererence},
        organization = {IW3C2},
        month = {April},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {We present a programming model for building web
                  applications with security properties that can be
                  confidently verified during a security review. In
                  our model, applications are divided into isolated,
                  privilege-separated components, enabling rich
                  security policies to be enforced in a way that can
                  be checked by reviewers. In our model, the web
                  framework enforces privilege separation and
                  isolation of web applications by requiring the use
                  of an object-capability language and providing
                  interfaces that expose limited,
                  explicitly-specified privileges to application
                  components. This approach restricts what each
                  component of the application can do and
                  quarantines buggy or compromised code. It also
                  provides a way to more safely integrate
                  third-party, less-trusted code into a web
                  application. We have implemented a prototype of
                  this model based upon the Java Servlet framework
                  and used it to build a webmail application. Our
                  experience with this example suggests that the
                  approach is viable and helpful at establishing
                  reviewable application-specific security
                  properties. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Adrian Mettler on 19 Feb 2010.
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