Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

A Power-Preserving Broadcast Protocol for WSNs with DoS Resistance.

"A Power-Preserving Broadcast Protocol for WSNs with DoS Resistance.". C. Ni, T. Hsiang, J. D. Tygar (eds.), August, 2008.

Broadcast presents a special challenge for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In some situation such as time synchronization or building routing path, broadcasting messages must be securely transmitted to all nodes, but this process is subject to attack by adversaries. For example, an adversary may try to waste the battery power of intermediate nodes by forcing a compromised node to repeatedly rebroadcast, thus causing a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. One way to solve this problem is use only part of the nodes in the network as the intermediate nodes, limiting the effects of the attack. In this paper, we propose a novel broadcast protocol: BrOadcast Power Preserving (BOPP). In BOPP, a packet reception reliability metric of each network component is discovered. This reliability score gives the packet reception rate of each communication edge in the network. With the scoring metric, BOPP can judge the network reliability from time to time and adapt the network to provide maximum reliability while minimizing the energy cost. This enables the network to resist DoS attacks.

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  • HTML
    ><i>A Power-Preserving Broadcast Protocol for WSNs
    with DoS Resistance.</i></a>, C. Ni, T. Hsiang,
    J. D. Tygar (eds.), August, 2008.
  • Plain text
     "A Power-Preserving Broadcast Protocol for WSNs with
    DoS Resistance.". C. Ni, T. Hsiang, J. D. Tygar (eds.),
    August, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        title = {A Power-Preserving Broadcast Protocol for WSNs
                  with DoS Resistance.},
        editor = {C. Ni, T. Hsiang, J. D. Tygar},
        month = {August},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {Broadcast presents a special challenge for
                  Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In some situation
                  such as time synchronization or building routing
                  path, broadcasting messages must be securely
                  transmitted to all nodes, but this process is
                  subject to attack by adversaries. For example, an
                  adversary may try to waste the battery power of
                  intermediate nodes by forcing a compromised node
                  to repeatedly rebroadcast, thus causing a
                  Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. One way to solve
                  this problem is use only part of the nodes in the
                  network as the intermediate nodes, limiting the
                  effects of the attack. In this paper, we propose a
                  novel broadcast protocol: BrOadcast Power
                  Preserving (BOPP). In BOPP, a packet reception
                  reliability metric of each network component is
                  discovered. This reliability score gives the
                  packet reception rate of each communication edge
                  in the network. With the scoring metric, BOPP can
                  judge the network reliability from time to time
                  and adapt the network to provide maximum
                  reliability while minimizing the energy cost. This
                  enables the network to resist DoS attacks.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Jessica Gamble on 7 Apr 2010.
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