Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

ASPIER: An Automated Framework for Verifying Security Protocol Implementations

"ASPIER: An Automated Framework for Verifying Security Protocol Implementations". S. Chaki, A. Datta (eds.), 22nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, July, 2009.

We present ASPIER – the first framework that combines software model checking with a standard protocol security model to automatically analyze authentication and secrecy properties of protocol implementations in C. The technical approach extends the iterative abstraction-refinement methodology for software model checking with a domainspecific protocol and symbolic attacker model. We have implemented the ASPIER tool and used it to verify authentication and secrecy properties of a part of an industrial strength protocol implementation – the handshake in OpenSSL – for configurations consisting of up to 3 servers and 3 clients. We have also implemented two distinct methods for reasoning about attacker message derivations, and evaluated them in the context of OpenSSL verification. ASPIER detected the “version-rollback” vulnerability in OpenSSL 0.9.6c source code and successfully verified the implementation when clients and servers are only willing to run SSL 3.0.

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  • HTML
    ><i>ASPIER: An Automated Framework for Verifying
    Security Protocol Implementations</i></a>, S.
    Chaki, A. Datta (eds.), 22nd IEEE Computer Security
    Foundations Symposium, July, 2009.
  • Plain text
     "ASPIER: An Automated Framework for Verifying Security
    Protocol Implementations". S. Chaki, A. Datta (eds.),
    22nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, July,
  • BibTeX
        title = {ASPIER: An Automated Framework for Verifying
                  Security Protocol Implementations},
        editor = {S. Chaki, A. Datta},
        organization = {22nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium},
        month = {July},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {We present ASPIER â the first framework that
                  combines software model checking with a standard
                  protocol security model to automatically analyze
                  authentication and secrecy properties of protocol
                  implementations in C. The technical approach
                  extends the iterative abstraction-refinement
                  methodology for software model checking with a
                  domainspecific protocol and symbolic attacker
                  model. We have implemented the ASPIER tool and
                  used it to verify authentication and secrecy
                  properties of a part of an industrial strength
                  protocol implementation â the handshake in
                  OpenSSL â for configurations consisting of up to
                  3 servers and 3 clients. We have also implemented
                  two distinct methods for reasoning about attacker
                  message derivations, and evaluated them in the
                  context of OpenSSL verification. ASPIER detected
                  the âversion-rollbackâ vulnerability in
                  OpenSSL 0.9.6c source code and successfully
                  verified the implementation when clients and
                  servers are only willing to run SSL 3.0.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Jessica Gamble on 5 May 2010.
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