Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Community Epidemic Detection using Time-Correlated Anomalies
Adam Oliner

Adam Oliner. "Community Epidemic Detection using Time-Correlated Anomalies". Talk or presentation, 10, November, 2010.

An epidemic is malicious code running on a subset of a community, a homogeneous set of instances of an application. Syzygy is an epidemic detection framework that looks for time-correlated anomalies, i.e., divergence from a model of dynamic behavior. We show mathematically and experimentally that, by leveraging the statistical properties of a large community, Syzygy is able to detect epidemics even under adverse conditions, such as when an exploit employs both mimicry and polymorphism. This work provides a mathematical basis for Syzygy, describes our particular implementation, and tests the approach with a variety of exploits and on commodity server and desktop applications to demonstrate its effectiveness.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Adam Oliner. <a
    ><i>Community Epidemic Detection using
    Time-Correlated Anomalies</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  10, November, 2010.
  • Plain text
    Adam Oliner. "Community Epidemic Detection using
    Time-Correlated Anomalies". Talk or presentation,  10,
    November, 2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Adam Oliner},
        title = {Community Epidemic Detection using Time-Correlated
        day = {10},
        month = {November},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {An epidemic is malicious code running on a subset
                  of a community, a homogeneous set of instances of
                  an application. Syzygy is an epidemic detection
                  framework that looks for time-correlated
                  anomalies, i.e., divergence from a model of
                  dynamic behavior. We show mathematically and
                  experimentally that, by leveraging the statistical
                  properties of a large community, Syzygy is able to
                  detect epidemics even under adverse conditions,
                  such as when an exploit employs both mimicry and
                  polymorphism. This work provides a mathematical
                  basis for Syzygy, describes our particular
                  implementation, and tests the approach with a
                  variety of exploits and on commodity server and
                  desktop applications to demonstrate its
        URL = {}

Posted by Larry Rohrbough on 7 Dec 2010.
Groups: trust
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