Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

ACCessory: Keystroke Inference using Accelerometers on Smartphones
Emmanuel Owusu, Jun Han, Sauvik Das, Adrian Perrig, Joy Zhang

Emmanuel Owusu, Jun Han, Sauvik Das, Adrian Perrig, Joy Zhang. "ACCessory: Keystroke Inference using Accelerometers on Smartphones". To appear in Proceedings of The Thirteenth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), ACM, 28, February, 2012.

The security and privacy risks posed by smartphone sensors such as microphones and cameras have been well documented. However, the importance of accelerometers have been largely ignored. We show that accelerometer readings can be used to infer the trajectory and starting point of an individual who is driving. This raises concerns for two main reasons. First, unauthorized access to an individual’s location is a serious invasion of privacy and security. Second, current smartphone operating systems allow any application to observe accelerometer readings without requiring special privileges. We demonstrate that accelerometers can be used to locate a device owner to within a 200 meter radius of the true location. Our results are comparable to the typical accuracy for handheld global positioning systems.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Emmanuel Owusu, Jun Han, Sauvik Das, Adrian Perrig, Joy
    Zhang. <a
    >ACCessory: Keystroke Inference using Accelerometers on
    Smartphones</a>, To appear in Proceedings of The
    Thirteenth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and
    Applications (HotMobile), ACM, 28, February, 2012.
  • Plain text
    Emmanuel Owusu, Jun Han, Sauvik Das, Adrian Perrig, Joy
    Zhang. "ACCessory: Keystroke Inference using
    Accelerometers on Smartphones". To appear in
    Proceedings of The Thirteenth Workshop on Mobile Computing
    Systems and Applications (HotMobile), ACM, 28, February,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Emmanuel Owusu and Jun Han and Sauvik Das and
                  Adrian Perrig and Joy Zhang},
        title = {ACCessory: Keystroke Inference using
                  Accelerometers on Smartphones},
        booktitle = {To appear in Proceedings of The Thirteenth
                  Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and
                  Applications (HotMobile)},
        organization = {ACM},
        day = {28},
        month = {February},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {The security and privacy risks posed by smartphone
                  sensors such as microphones and cameras have been
                  well documented. However, the importance of
                  accelerometers have been largely ignored. We show
                  that accelerometer readings can be used to infer
                  the trajectory and starting point of an individual
                  who is driving. This raises concerns for two main
                  reasons. First, unauthorized access to an
                  individual’s location is a serious invasion of
                  privacy and security. Second, current smartphone
                  operating systems allow any application to observe
                  accelerometer readings without requiring special
                  privileges. We demonstrate that accelerometers can
                  be used to locate a device owner to within a 200
                  meter radius of the true location. Our results are
                  comparable to the typical accuracy for handheld
                  global positioning systems.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 4 Apr 2012.
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