Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Netquery: A Knowledge Plane For Reasoning About Network Properties.
Alan Shieh, Emin Gun Sirer, Fred Schneider

Alan Shieh, Emin Gun Sirer, Fred Schneider. "Netquery: A Knowledge Plane For Reasoning About Network Properties.". Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Conference, August, 2011.

This paper presents the design and implementation of NetQuery, a knowledge plane for federated networks such as the Internet. In such networks, not all administrative domains will generate information that an application can trust and many administrative domains may have restrictive policies on disclosing network information. Thus, both the trustworthiness and accessibility of network information pose obstacles to effective reasoning. NetQuery employs trustworthy computing techniques to facilitate reasoning about the trustworthiness of information contained in the knowledge plane while preserving confidentiality guarantees for operator data. By characterizing information disclosure between operators, NetQuery enables remote verification of advertised claims and contractual stipulations; this enables new applications because network guarantees can span administrative boundaries. We have implemented NetQuery, built several NetQuery-enabled devices, and deployed applications for cloud datacenters, enterprise networks, and the Internet. Simulations, testbed experiments, and a deployment on a departmental network indicate NetQuery can support hundreds of thousands of operations per second and can thus scale to large ISPs.

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  • HTML
    Alan Shieh, Emin Gun Sirer, Fred Schneider. <a
    >Netquery: A Knowledge Plane For Reasoning About Network
    Properties.</a>, Proceedings of the SIGCOMM
    Conference, August, 2011.
  • Plain text
    Alan Shieh, Emin Gun Sirer, Fred Schneider. "Netquery:
    A Knowledge Plane For Reasoning About Network
    Properties.". Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Conference,
    August, 2011.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Alan Shieh and Emin Gun Sirer and Fred Schneider},
        title = {Netquery: A Knowledge Plane For Reasoning About
                  Network Properties.},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Conference},
        month = {August},
        year = {2011},
        abstract = {This paper presents the design and implementation
                  of NetQuery, a knowledge plane for federated
                  networks such as the Internet. In such networks,
                  not all administrative domains will generate
                  information that an application can trust and many
                  administrative domains may have restrictive
                  policies on disclosing network information. Thus,
                  both the trustworthiness and accessibility of
                  network information pose obstacles to effective
                  reasoning. NetQuery employs trustworthy computing
                  techniques to facilitate reasoning about the
                  trustworthiness of information contained in the
                  knowledge plane while preserving confidentiality
                  guarantees for operator data. By characterizing
                  information disclosure between operators, NetQuery
                  enables remote verification of advertised claims
                  and contractual stipulations; this enables new
                  applications because network guarantees can span
                  administrative boundaries. We have implemented
                  NetQuery, built several NetQuery-enabled devices,
                  and deployed applications for cloud datacenters,
                  enterprise networks, and the Internet.
                  Simulations, testbed experiments, and a deployment
                  on a departmental network indicate NetQuery can
                  support hundreds of thousands of operations per
                  second and can thus scale to large ISPs.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 4 Apr 2012.
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