Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

Unshackle the Cloud!
Dan Williams, Eslam Elnikety, Mohammed Edehiry, Hani Jamjoon, Hai Huang, Hakim Weatherspoon

Dan Williams, Eslam Elnikety, Mohammed Edehiry, Hani Jamjoon, Hai Huang, Hakim Weatherspoon. "Unshackle the Cloud!". Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud),, June, 2011.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds are evolving from offering simple on-demand resources to providing diverse sets of tightly-coupled monolithic services. Like OS kernels of the 1980’s and 1990’s, these monolithic offerings, albeit rich in features, are significantly constraining users’ freedom and control over the underlying—cloud—resources. For example, we are unaware of a true hybrid cloud, where its users can migrate virtual machines freely across clouds. This paper argues for a new type of IaaS cloud, an xCloud, that builds on ideas from extensible OSs to give users the flexibility to install custom cloud extensions, which can address the limitations outlined above. We describe the design space for xClouds, including a practical approach for transforming today’s public clouds into xClouds.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Dan Williams, Eslam Elnikety, Mohammed Edehiry, Hani
    Jamjoon, Hai Huang, Hakim Weatherspoon. <a
    >Unshackle the Cloud!</a>, Proceedings of the 3rd
    USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing
    (HotCloud),, June, 2011.
  • Plain text
    Dan Williams, Eslam Elnikety, Mohammed Edehiry, Hani
    Jamjoon, Hai Huang, Hakim Weatherspoon. "Unshackle the
    Cloud!". Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot
    Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud),, June, 2011.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Dan Williams and Eslam Elnikety and Mohammed
                  Edehiry and Hani Jamjoon and Hai Huang and Hakim
        title = {Unshackle the Cloud!},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot
                  Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud),},
        month = {June},
        year = {2011},
        abstract = {Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds are
                  evolving from offering simple on-demand resources
                  to providing diverse sets of tightly-coupled
                  monolithic services. Like OS kernels of the
                  1980’s and 1990’s, these monolithic offerings,
                  albeit rich in features, are significantly
                  constraining users’ freedom and control over the
                  underlying—cloud—resources. For example, we
                  are unaware of a true hybrid cloud, where its
                  users can migrate virtual machines freely across
                  clouds. This paper argues for a new type of IaaS
                  cloud, an xCloud, that builds on ideas from
                  extensible OSs to give users the flexibility to
                  install custom cloud extensions, which can address
                  the limitations outlined above. We describe the
                  design space for xClouds, including a practical
                  approach for transforming today’s public clouds
                  into xClouds.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 4 Apr 2012.
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